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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:04 pm
by Jonas
I may just be a 12-year-old trapped in the body of a 21-year-old, but "Cockmonkeys" really makes me giggle. Fucktards has been used in TNM, I recall... I think by Scara, towards the end.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:56 pm
by ZeroPresence
It's part of Scara... and Abom saying it was just stupid. It seems like most of the main characters have at least some sort of intelligence, unbecoming of saying "fuckin'" so much. I haven't looked over my lines fully, but I hope they lack any sort of "leet" speak as well as the word "fuck." Honestly, it just downgrades my image of the character in question. Like for instance when Abom said it I just thought "this character is stupid. I don't care about his personality, or anything else about him, he's just some credits to me." I like King Kashue's character and actually hold him in regard as his moderator status and respect among the Forum City. He doesn't use leet speak nor curse from what I've seen so far. I never said "omg get rid of the word "fuck" completely!!!" Just every situation where I've seen it used thus far is ridiculously out of place.