Page 5 of 21

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:06 pm
by Moonbo
Finished recording the WCAgent lines, I'll upload them to the FTP for review and then onto the audio tracker.
I'll be online for the next hour so lets talk poke-ees ;-).


But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful
person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.
-Sun Myung Moon

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:58 pm
by Moonbo
hmm...can't access the tracker or ftp... I'll try to upload the WC lines on monday :-(. Anyways, shoot me an email w/ marching orders and I'll start working on it.


But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful
person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.
-Sun Myung Moon

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:12 am
by Jonas
Ergh, I have trouble with the FTP as well. We'll wait then.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:18 am
by Trestkon
I'm going to beat Gisol over the head with something very, very large and then the FTP will work.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:57 pm
by Jonas
Trest, I downloaded the rar you'd put up for Spaic so I could extract the benchmark file and send it to Bubba in case he wants to edit his own lines, but I couldn't open the benchmark file. I think it's corrupted or something. Would you mind uploading a copy of it, that you're 100% certain works, to somewhere public and posting the link here?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:32 pm
by Trestkon
Hmm, it does seem to be corrupt, but I *did* post a link on the previous page of this thread;) ... chmark.mp3

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:00 pm
by Jonas
Sorry, I didn't realize this page was new. Somehow it reset the new thread indicators when I logged on today.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:36 pm
by Moonbo
WCAgent files uploaded on audiotracker and ftp (Moonbo folder). I'll be online tomorrow (!) , I'll read over the bubba email you sent me until them ;-).


But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful
person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.
-Sun Myung Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:02 pm
by Jonas
Hm, you don't seem to have actually uploaded the lines to the audiotracker. If you look at the icon to the right, you'll notice they aren't green, so they don't link to your lines. I know it's possible to upload files directly with the database, but it's easier if you just upload them with the FTP and link to them. You do that like so:

1) First, you upload them to the FTP and rename them so there are no spaces in the file name. For obvious reasons, I'll use the files Pimp-JojoAudio and WCAgentAudio in your folder as examples. I've renamed them now so they have no spaces to make them easier to link to.

2) Then you copy their URL (in SmartFTP: Right click on the file -> Copy URL -> Path - that should produce something like / - we don't need all of that, so just remove everything before /teamftp).

2a) Alternatively, write down the path starting with /teamftp, so it looks like so: /teamftp/Moonbo/Pimp-JoJoAudio.rar.

3) Open the audio tracker and click on the name of the entry that corresponds to your file.

4) Locate the "Manual Link to Convo." field and paste your URL in there.

5) Put a dot in front of /teamftp to identify it as a pre-uploaded line, eg. so it looks like so: "./teamftp/Moonbo/Pimp-JoJoAudio.rar" without the quotes.

6) Make sure the status is set to 3 if the lines are unedited and 4 if they're completely done, then press Update Information.

Voila. It's usually a good idea to check the URL on the download icon to the right after you've uploaded it, just to make sure you or the system didn't make a mistake :)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:54 pm
by Moonbo
Hey all,

Is it possible to get emails fo the following people (they're on the first page but w/ no addy's):

Chris the Cynic
Dr. Dumb Lunatic
Hao Niu-rou
King Kashue
Kunio Kun
Raving Nutter
Steve Tack
That Guy
Walton Simons

I've got to shoot off some emails to most of them about their lines 8) .


But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful
person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.
-Sun Myung Moon

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:22 pm
by Trestkon
Yep, here's what I dragged up:

Abomination? - Unreliable (and vanished) and also a VERY good chance his voice wouldn't fit the character anyway, if Jonas agrees, we'll just take him off the list.
Aemer - Jonas might know
Andreus -
Beeblequix - [was a mapper for us for a rather long time, great guy]
Chris the Cynic -
DP - No idea, just take him off the list.
Dr. Dumb Lunatic -
Fender2k1 -
JCMonkey - No clue, maybe Jonas knows
Jim - [Excellent voice actor and has actually recorded some of his lines already, check audiotracker]
Jonas - This guy is a super shady character:p
Hao Niu-rou -
Grub - [technically, he's our sound tech, but he's rarely around]
Kevo-Sama -
King Kashue - I actually don't have his email, I can probably aquire it, though (or Jonas can)
Kunio Kun - Vanished, take him off the list
Metche - [she doesn't need to submit a sample, we already know she fits her part. She'll still need the recording volume benchmark, though.]
Mole - Not a clue.
Phasmatis - [the one and only TNM modeler and official Standing on Chairs guy]
Pointman - [former Voice Acting Manager [also a great guy, bit busy with real life, though]
Raving Nutter - Probably vanished, unless Jonas knows something I don't.
Redd - [TNM Musician, he's actually recorded some of his lines, I think, although they maybe have been lost (check audio tracker)]
Ricemanu -
Ryan -
Slicer -
Smoke39 -
Steve Tack -
That Guy - [TNM coder, has already recorded a bunch of his lines, and bribed his girlfriend (possibly with sexual favours) to do some as well
Trestkon - This guy is probably too sexy to voice his own lines, hearing his voice may cause women to rip off their clothes, and men to question their sexuality.
Vavrek? -
Walton Simons -
Yardbomb - Can't see to find it at the moment, but he's still around and we'll grab his addy from somewhere.
ZeroPresence - [TNM mapper of some repute, we've handed him a bunch of lines to do for our Christmas special]

Wow, that was the most boring thing EVER. And from this we can conclude that I have nearly every single person in existance on my MSN list :shock:

Ideally, we'll still need these people to submit samples. Just because they share the same name as a character doesn't mean their voices will fit.

On another random note, I notice that you seem to be typing in your signature with every post, moonbo. You can actually have it added automatically by changing your signature in your Profile.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:11 am
by Moonbo
Hey all,

Progress report time:

-I sent out emails to most of the people on the "sent but not submitted" category on the AudioTracker, here's an appended (thanks Trestkon!) list of MIA emails:

Artem Selenov (From RiceManu?)
Deus Diablo
Justin Caligiuri (From Trestkon?)
Mike Arthur
Mole (From Jonas?)
Mr. Black
Tammy (from Shane?)
Ben Bristol
King Kashue
Raving Nutter

Grub ( isn't working)
Fender2k1 ( isn't working)

Ryan sent me files for "ClinicBums", "MrClark" and "SlumMaleA", which I uploaded to the FTP and the Audiotracker. Jonas/Trest should check those to see if they're adequate I suppose ;), if not I'll do it tomorrow, now that I have the convo files .

Torsten tells me that the ShawnPA's audio files are on...Jonas's computer :shock:, and so the plot thickens...

Okay, hope to have more progress in the next couple of days.

-Moonbo (who no longer has to cut/paste in his sig)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:53 am
by Trestkon
Excellent...the pokage begins!

Fender's email -

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:15 am
by Jonas
Holy Hell, this is going to be a complicated post to write. Hopefully it won't be complicated to read though.
Trestkon wrote:Abomination? - Unreliable (and vanished) and also a VERY good chance his voice wouldn't fit the character anyway, if Jonas agrees, we'll just take him off the list.
I agree, we'll remove him.
Aemer - Jonas might know
His MSN is, it may work for mails as well. Otherwise just add him to your contacts, he's online a lot. He's already recorded all his own character's lines, but he's willing to do more if necessary.
DP - No idea, just take him off the list.
His MSN is, he doesn't seem to be making a lot of progress with his lines though, we may need to get somebody else to do them.
JCMonkey - No clue, maybe Jonas knows
Eep, actually I don't. Try asking on the public forums here. If necessary, we can put up a message on the main page asking him to contact us, he's a loyal fan, so I'm sure he will.
Jonas - This guy is a super shady character:p
Oh har har, very funny :lol:
King Kashue - I actually don't have his email, I can probably aquire it, though (or Jonas can)
Aye, if we drop him a PM over at the PDX forums, he's sure to respond.
Kunio Kun - Vanished, take him off the list
No, actually he isn't, but I recall he always said he couldn't voice himself. I must've had a brain spasm when I put him on this list. We need somebody with a japanese accent to voice his lines.
Mole - Not a clue. is his MSN address. He already got his lines.
Raving Nutter - Probably vanished, unless Jonas knows something I don't.
His MSN address is, but I haven't seen him online in about 3 years. Probably needs another voice actor to do his lines. Preferably somebody butch.
Trestkon - This guy is probably too sexy to voice his own lines, hearing his voice may cause women to rip off their clothes, and men to question their sexuality.
Can't dispute that.
Yardbomb - Can't see to find it at the moment, but he's still around and we'll grab his addy from somewhere.
His MSN addy is, he's already working on his lines.

Deus Diablo


Mike Arthur

Mr. Black
Is actually the same person as Mike Arthur. Sorry for the mixup.

MSN:, rarely online though. Could use a reminder that he needs to get his ass in gear, he's had his lines for a LONG time.

Bristol Ben
Aka. The Mayor, MSN:
Moonbo wrote:Torsten tells me that the ShawnPA's audio files are on... Jonas's computer, and so the plot thickens...
Aye, we recorded them on my PC because he doesn't have a decent mike. He's my former class mate, and like myself, he has no life, so I can easily get him to re-record anything we need. We also recorded the DowntownMaleA lines, but both characters got lost in the triple-harddisc crash of the summer of 2005. We re-recorded one of the parts, but I don't really remember which...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:51 pm
by Keffe
Got your email Moonbo and replied.

I'm in the process of fixing up the volume of the ThatGuy files I had done and I'll get the other ones I put my name on in the VADB done at the same time.

I've recently started using a new sound program that will allow me to configure the volume much much easier.