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Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:30 pm
by Jcelios
You know what I would really like, a ridable Dragon. Not SD either. An actual dragon model. Chop chop.
I want it to breath rainbow colored fire also.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:20 pm
by AgentSmithereens
I was going through the Bonus Content earlier (some very cool stuff in there, makes me wish I was more involved in the mod) and I have a question about the Styles in TNM Achievements.pdf
Are there any rewards for completing these styles? I think I've done a few of them (probably knocked out 100 enemies, ghosted a few missions, e.g. DXE, lost my legs, swam in the sewer and had a shower, activated the hovercar cutscene, made Ghand set himself on fire)) but I don't remember any rewards unless I just missed them.

I think I'm gonna go for the 'kill everybody' approach next :P

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:56 pm
by Jonas
The achievements were never implemented, no. They were just an idea.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:01 am
by JC_Helios
@DDL: Nah, the WC Commandos are like re-skins of the MJ12 Trooper, and I have set them on fire.

Hmm? I picked up that one firewall's GEP gun in the slums WC, coming back from DXI, and it had no lock on. Still went on a gibbing spree with it without any problems.

"What's not to love?" I killed you after getting them, sorry. I bet you didn't love that, but blame That Guy... he suggested it. ;)

@ Agent_Kyramud: Shifter does the flare dart thing, and it does have a rail gun which shoots through walls (uses the plasma rifle as a base though.)

@Jcelios: I was actually going to suggest something like that in the "Saving SD, not deus ex like" topic. Except replace SD with Hobbes, and give the player the option of tricking the guards into thinking Hobbes was your horse and calmly ride him out....

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:37 am
by Agent_Kyramud
JC_Helios wrote:@ Agent_Kyramud: Shifter does the flare dart thing, and it does have a rail gun which shoots through walls (uses the plasma rifle as a base though.)
I know. It also gives you points for taking down enemies. Last time I checked, though, TNM is not compatible with Shifter.

But in all honesty, we have sniper rifles today that can punch through walls. And Deus Ex is how far in the future?

Maybe it could be a reward for someone who puts a lot of skill points and time into the sniper rifle. Like someone who Masters the Rifle skill and has a large number of kills with the sniper rifle.

If nothing else, is there a simple way to tell the game "hey I was this bullet to ghost through everything but enemy infantry, at which point I want to see them disappear in a cloud of blood"?

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:31 am
by AgentSmithereens
I had an idea for the 'boring running around long distances' problem - basically incorporate a sprint system like they have in other games, eg GTA, Far Cry, Tomb Raider.
If you bound a button to sprint, let's say 'W', every time you press 'W' your running speed increases. But as you sprint more, your leg health starts to decrease, simulating the lactic acid build-up or something, say 10 health points every 10 seconds. Then when you stop sprinting your leg health starts to auto-heal at the same rate. Maybe this could be part of the Environmental Training skill, and a higher skill level would mean you're capable of sprinting longer distances, and become less tired at the same time.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:20 am
by Jonas
The plasma rifle actually fires through walls in TNM, courtesy of Smoke39. The projectiles lose a lot of velocity when they come out the other side though, so you have to be firing at somebody who's standing relatively close to the wall.

The sprint thing isn't gonna happen, sorry.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:42 am
by JC_Helios

The fire extinguisher completely disables the fire mines when used on them, I was kind of thinking it'd be much cooler if it simply revealed them, or disabled them to the point where you could still pick them up. it seems weird a mild spray having the same effect as a bullet or plasma bolt.

NVShacker's screwdriver is downright useless for anyone who doesn't place tranq mine on the worst of places. You can't pick up enemy tranq mines(which are too rare and easily avoided to need disabling), and if the tranq mine gets set off even a tiny bit you can't pick it up again because it has extinguished too much. Either allowing for slightly used mines to be picked up, or being able to pick up enemy mines would be good.

As Jetset stated here Money and resources are pretty damn plentiful even on the harder difficulties. My personal solution would be like having Raving's weapon shop's vending machine stock expensive general weapon mods on day 2. Like: 5000 for a clip mod, 3000 for accuracy, 2500 for recoil, etc. I even bought all of Raving's thermoptic camo, bought max of multitools, lockpicks, grenades and still had a lot of money left over.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:01 am
by Jetsetlemming
Jonas wrote:I'm sorry but we're entirely aware of the too-much-walking problem, but there's no reasonable way to fix it. We did our best to alleviate the problem during development, for example by cutting out approximately 30% of the Downtown map, but there's not much else we can do short of recreating the Corporate and Downtown maps from scratch and doing some major restructuring on certain other maps (particularly Goat City).

We thought about implementing a taxi system during beta, but while the maps are too damn big to walk around in, they're unfortunately too small to properly support a taxi system >_<
Would something like Yardbomb's phone booth teleporters but locally oriented, only taking you from location to location in the current map (for example from outside PDX to near Raving's to by the convenience store in the corner of the map behind WorldCorp) in small booths marked SEARCH be entirely unthinkable? :P
Actually, thinking about it, that might be a good candidate for a The Nameless Mod mod. ;)
Mep_histo wrote: Another suggestion would be the ability to pull the character up middle sized crates/ledges like in Thief (I don't remember the proper word for this action), without having to stack and jump. But that might cause level design problems, I know, because the player might be able to reach areas he isn't supposed to.
Thanks, people!
That's called mantling. Given that Deus Ex is the progression of the series of games from Looking Glass and Origin (and basically the endpoint of that particular line of game genealogy), the only reason I can imagine that it isn't a feature in Deus Ex is that adding them would probably require something hacky as shit similar to what someone would do now with a DX map if they want the player to be able to climb a ledge- put an invisible ladder on it. They've got Thief's level design and System Shock's FPSRPG concept, no reason besides technical I could imagine they left it out. :P

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:40 am
by Jonas
Jetsetlemming wrote:Would something like Yardbomb's phone booth teleporters but locally oriented, only taking you from location to location in the current map (for example from outside PDX to near Raving's to by the convenience store in the corner of the map behind WorldCorp) in small booths marked SEARCH be entirely unthinkable? :P
At this point? I'm afraid so.

Warpzones are wrought from the darkness of our existence. Every time you add a warpzone to a map, God kills a puppy.

Think of the cost.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:00 pm
by Blade sword
I want to come back with the quad launcher, not suggesting to modify its role, That's not my intention
I just want to suggest an effect modification.
I think instead of being explosive it should be a fragmentary rocket launcher
I think an explosive that throws shards shouldn't damage much the robots and even any armored targets like the turrets
The rocket should make 20 ~ 30 dg by the explosion and throw 10 pellets that does ~ 18 dg each

I just don't know if it could work well since we haven't any fragmentary explosive weapon in DX ...

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:55 pm
by Jonas
I think we're moving into the territory where it's time I suggest you make your own mod for TNM.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:48 pm
by Frib
Jonas wrote:
Jetsetlemming wrote:Would something like Yardbomb's phone booth teleporters but locally oriented, only taking you from location to location in the current map (for example from outside PDX to near Raving's to by the convenience store in the corner of the map behind WorldCorp) in small booths marked SEARCH be entirely unthinkable? :P
At this point? I'm afraid so.

Warpzones are wrought from the darkness of our existence. Every time you add a warpzone to a map, God kills a puppy.

Think of the cost.
it's not a kitten, so who cares? :D

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:07 pm
by Jetsetlemming
Jonas wrote: Warpzones are wrought from the darkness of our existence. Every time you add a warpzone to a map, God kills a puppy.

Think of the cost.
These are the see-through portals right? I was actually thinking to stick the "BSP Hole" effect in the booth and have a scrolling ticker texture at the top saying the destination. :P

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:03 pm
by Jonas
Well putting button-triggered teleporters all over Forum City would be really easy and could be done right now.

But it'd also be a bit pants.