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What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:47 pm
by Hassat Hunter
Just interested in what equipment, augs and skills most people had when they finished TNM for the first time.

Equipment: Like in DX; pistol pwned everything. So I mainly used Alpha's and Trestkon's, and used ZP's rifle when low on ammo (only on the spacestation that happened). Oddly enough with Alpha's I had perfect accuracy, but when I added a scope to the gun my non-zoomed shot got back to randomly hitting nothing (even if the crosshair was totally closed at 95% base acc). Zoomed accuracy was perfect though. Was that intended?

Augs: Lots of upgrade cannisters allowed me to nearly max everything! Not that I used many of them besides regeneration.

Skills: I found weapon skills to be not that useful, enough mods to find. And as in DX lockpicking, electronics and computers where quite vital. Just upped demolition to make molotovs, just to come to the conclusion I never used those things anyways during the whole game (only 2 during the last level, bloody mini-aliens) #-o.

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:36 pm
by Scotch
I'm too lazy to post screenshots, so I'll guess the best i can.


Master computer- Pretty much a requirement for beating the game since you can't hack the leviathan computer with advanced and I never found a password no matter how hard I looked.

Trained rifle- I decided to focus my killing skills more towards pistols since Treskon's are so badass I had to use them properly :P I used ZP rifle and Assault, and they could be aug'd to become better

Advanced pistol- for trestkon's. Silencers + pistols + advanced skill = ultmate stealth killing

Lockpick and electronics at Trained

Heavy at advanced at the VERY END, like as in the final room... I wanted to run circles around those aliens with my trusty GEP. Trained until then.

Medicine at trained. With no regen, this is a must X'/

Trained Environmental training and trained demolition (I wanted my molotovs!)

Final weapons:

What weapons I finished with do not represent what I used for the vast majority of the game. Amid the desolate, ammoless wasteland that is the spacestation, I ended up using any weapon taht I had ammo for... and DTS.

My ending weapons were: TPs, GEP, PR, AR, EMP pistol, DTS and some LAMs

My most used weaps were: TPs, AR, DTS

I honestly used most of the weapons.

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:37 pm
by Scotch
Oh yes I forgot augs

Seriously, I had like 5 augs at the end. Given that I used almost every weapon, that's pretty pathetic.

I had:

Ballistic protection 4
Cloak 4
Run faster 2
Environmental protection 2
light 2
and I think one other, too lazy now

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:56 pm
by deuxhero
Don't recall the first playthrew, but at ABI I have something like

Low tech master
computer master
demo, medicine and fists trained (for stun fists after DXI).

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:05 pm
by JC_Helios
I deleted my orginal ending save but from what I remember:

Master fists
Master demolition
trained or advanced suit skill
Trained lockpick or electronics
Edit- Oh and advanced computer of course

I think I mostly used ZP's rifle as my main weapon, can't really remember the others.

Augs, everything maxed: speed, muscle, power, enviro, bullet, cloak, target, ADS, regen.

2nd time was great, went with rifles and got Kylie and ZP's rifles from Sol's :D.... CURSE YOU TNM TEAM AND YOUR 'bug fixes'* :( . Now I'd have to kill Kylie to get hers and ZP doesn't even have his rifle at Sol's.

*Just kidding guys...

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:05 pm
by odawali
Man, I wish I'd kept my old save files, but I had to delete them after the patch came out since they were taking up so much HD space.
From what I remember my first build was something like
Master or Advanced in: Pistols, Computer, Fists (First thing I wanted to do in this mod was to try the dual pistols and fists)
Trained in: Lockpicking, Electronics
Untrained: Pretty much everything else
Augs: Vision Enhancement 3, Spy Drone 4, Microfibral Muscle 1, Cloak 4, Radar Transparency 4, Speed Enhancement 3, Power Recirculator 4, Synthetic Heart 1, (1 Empty Torso Slot; couldn't find Regen on 1st playthrough)
Other: Wound up wasting a lot of mods on a sniper rifle which I ditched when traveling to DXI. Barely explored the sewers because I didn't have the firepower/ammo to take out all those greasels.
Scotch wrote:Master computer- Pretty much a requirement for beating the game since you can't hack the leviathan computer with advanced and I never found a password no matter how hard I looked.
Actually there's a datapad in the storage room that's right next to the Leviathan computer with the account info. It's also given in an e-mail, which can be read with the login/password (WeaponsRnD/fragthefuckers) available from a datapad in a locked locker in the office area.

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:00 am
by Kokoro
I am one of those people that hoarde everything that I can for that big moment that never comes, ha. Subsequent playthroughs will be more fun using more stuff, although using your head to avoid using the inventory is pretty fun as well.
Actually there's a datapad in the storage room that's right next to the Leviathan computer with the account info. It's also given in an e-mail, which can be read with the login/password (WeaponsRnD/fragthefuckers) available from a datapad in a locked locker in the office area.
Oh, and it is definitely worth finding the login for. I have never had so much fun doing nothing. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:05 pm
by Hassat Hunter
Wow, Kokoro. Untrained Electronics and Lockpicking. How'd you get around?

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:05 pm
by DDL
Enthusiastically SMASHING things, I assume?

DigiRonin's sword + combatstrength is win. But looking at your loadout (and untrained lowtech), you were presumably blowing stuff up instead.

Also you do have some interesting aug choices....

.....Aqualung? *giggle*

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:08 pm
by AgentSmithereens
Upgraded aqualung?

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:33 pm
by Hassat Hunter
A second cannister most likely. It's not like Enviromental Resistance is equally useless.

The cannister-upgrade function is nice... but it makes you feel #-o if you find a cannister of something you already have lvl 4 of... (like me with Power Regulation).

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:44 pm
by deuxhero
You do know you can keep the slot open and put a synth heart or power reg from a second canister in right?

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:36 pm
by Kokoro
You do know you can keep the slot open and put a synth heart or power reg from a second canister in right?
Was not aware of that, I thought that you has to pick one or the other of each, thanks. The Lung/Enviromental is useless IMO.
Wow, Kokoro. Untrained Electronics and Lockpicking. How'd you get around?
Finding the appropriate key/password or finding alternate routes, and if all else fails blow the thing to pieces. I like shooting accurately quickly so the points were saves for guns. That is part of what makes the game great, the different styles.

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:21 pm
by deuxhero
It also works for Clock/Radar transparancy.

Re: What did you finish TNM with first time around?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:41 pm
by Hassat Hunter
Kokoro wrote:That is part of what makes the game great, the different styles.
True true.
I was a little worried about doing afore mentioned technique from deuxhero because it wastes several aug cannisters, but since I now in my second playthrough I have everything upgraded to lvl 4 (besides light, that's 2) and now have 3 spare Upgrade Cannisters (trying to see how many I can get :P) while already wasting 3 Augment Cannisters (killed Jojo, just to notice I could only use 1 option anyway, and used an upgrade to max instead of aug in ABI) it doesn't seem that bad an idea after all in TNM.