So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

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So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by AlvinD »

Hey guys just thought I would put the feelers out there on what people are doing nowadays with Deus Ex. Given the community has broken up into different corners of the web it would be nice to know what's going on that doesn't appear on moddb etc.
Ill start, I've been continually working on Return of Denton, getting the storyline right grafting ideas Into it, creating subtle changes in the HUD and gameplay experience. Got the trailer sorted out into an alpha state. Ill be working on it until I get my new Pc in two months time. I haven't got a permanent Pc ATM so this is all from my ipad.

I am also working on a massive map for DXMP which might be the first in a series but yet to confirm. This first map is pretty much exhausting my mind Lol .

So..... What are you upto?!
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by FastGamerr »

Deus Ex: Nihilum. As soon as I'll receive the final music tracks and voice acting, I could test the mod out for (hopefully) one last time and then release it (all hypothetically, of course). Definitely going to be the last mod I'm ever going to work on and as far as swan songs are concerned, it's not that bad IMO.

Looking forward to Return of Denton and all other mods as well! :]
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by AlvinD »

I cant wait to play your mod FastGamer! I know how much of a head wreck it can be with so old software. =D>
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by AlvinD »

Ok things didnt work out to plan regarding the massive map it was way too big kept having errors so i decided to use some of it in another map i had an idea for. Anyone remember Assault from Unreal Tournament? :twisted:

You will be able to enter, I have the interior i have from another map i made, so essentially this map could be nicknamed Frankenstein lol but it will flow fluently, I reckon to have all geometry done by tonight but texturing to be done at a later date. I havent quite figured out how to do an DXMP Asssault type game but time will sort that out. Any ideas are welcome!
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by SilverSpook »

Looks like an interesting map!

I'm actually right now testing methods for getting Terminus Machina to install on other computers without smoking out the machine XD Hopefully I'm going to get this done sometime today and get all the playable demos out to the contributors who want to try the demo.
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by bjorn98009_91 »

Right now I'm working on the next release for Deus Ex: Revision, hopefully it should be done soon.

After that release I'll start work on a SDK for the conversations in DX, so devs that want to expand on the original convos have a package to download and modify that you actually can recompile.

Some time after that I'll continue my engine patch project, trying to fix/add features to the UScript-files in game engine. :)
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by Morpheus »

I want to do something, but everytime I try and start something with Deus Ex, I either get side tracked or end up too busy. Have a bunch of ideas for small mods too.
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by G-Flex »

Working on an unofficial map patch, which is nearly complete, then I'll be making a new type of trigger for my own purposes, and doing map editing work (and some other stuff) for Human Renovation.
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by DDL »

I am still working on my "Dude you've been doing this for almost a decade, it will never be finished so why pretend otherwise" mod.

Since I map like a cretin (and a slow cretin at that), I decided to make all my coding changes applicable to vanilla DX too, thus I'm now having a go at playing through vanilla DX to see if what I've changed fucks anything up. My worry was that making NPCs behave slightly more realistically would actually simply make them more retarded, but thus far, what it fucks up

Ton hotel, trying to save Paul (since I've made him killable now, because hiding in a cupboard until he's murdered everyone is no fun). Paul is a bit gun-happy, and has a shotgun, the....worst choice of gun for fighting fucking MIBs. I've given him regen and Augballistic, enough skill to use them properly (and boosted the fuck out of his health), so he's not weak, but enthusiastically engaging (at point-blank range) someone who will promptly not going to end well.
Now, the MIBs have to be immortal until they've delivered their "COME OUT, DENTON" speech, so no early gibbination for them, but I figured I could at least thin the herds of UNATCO troops. So: I do the diligent thing of LAMming the walls of the hotel in preparation, then filling Paul's hallway with furniture to at least slow down the MIBs (maybe).

Initiate conversation. MIBs barge in, Paul goes apeshit as per usual, while I mostly try to sit at the back and snipe. After about four attempts, I manage to get through it with the MIBs all dead and Paul still alive. His apartment looks like a charnel house. I poke my head out. I've heard a distinct lack of LAMsplosions, so am a tad worried. I fling a gas grenade out to give Paul a fighting chance, and it travels about five feet, in the wrong direction (because after a discussion with Cybernetic Pig about making demolition a more useful skill, I now throw like a five-year-old girl at 'untrained' level -CyP: this works surprisingly well, even if it is hilariously annoying).


So Paul and I barge through the gas (alright for that fucker, he's got regen AND enviro) and find...UNATCO. Quite a lot of UNATCO. I'm pretty sure I LAMmed this place, so what the fuck.

Oh look, here comes a trooper now! And he's...throwing a LAM at me. One of my own fucking LAMs.

Goddamnit, I forgot I'd taught them to do that. :/

After having all my pieces magically reassembled in SECRET MJ12 BASE, I start sneaking out to grab the handy baton. Now, my code secretly replaces all pawns with my own custom pawns (so I didn't have to do any rejigging of deusex.u), and while I was doing that I figured I might as well sometimes randomly replace troopertypes with meched-up equivalents, since it seems odd that mechanical augmentation has been around for years yet the only military representation is "gunther and anna". They're never enormously boosted, but enough to make them an unexpected challenge ("MJ12 dude with speed aug wtf", etc).

Yeah, well. The one dude sitting at the guardpost, the guy you pretty much have to take down with a baton and a PS20? Random code says "This fucker rolled all sixes! Have fun!"


So yeah, clearly more playtesting is needed, but hey. I am amused by the readiness of my own horrifically jury-rigged AI to hand me my own ass.

And hey, it keeps me off the streets. :P
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

DDL wrote:
Ton hotel, trying to save Paul (since I've made him killable now, because hiding in a cupboard until he's murdered everyone is no fun).
People liked that idea, huh. I've got plenty more waiting to be discovered ;)
I fling a gas grenade out to give Paul a fighting chance, and it travels about five feet, in the wrong direction (because after a discussion with Cybernetic Pig about making demolition a more useful skill, I now throw like a five-year-old girl at 'untrained' level -CyP: this works surprisingly well, even if it is hilariously annoying).
Awesome. Is how it should be.
Oh look, here comes a trooper now! And he's...throwing a LAM at me. One of my own fucking LAMs.

Goddamnit, I forgot I'd taught them to do that. :/
Nice! How does that work, as in is it also demolition skill related- higher skill less chance for enemies to disarm for example?
and while I was doing that I figured I might as well sometimes randomly replace troopertypes with meched-up equivalents, since it seems odd that mechanical augmentation has been around for years yet the only military representation is "gunther and anna".
Yes, This has bothered me for some time. Are your mechs just MJ12 troops with HDTP-ified Gunther torsos or you done something new?
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by G-Flex »

Cybernetic pig wrote:
DDL wrote:
Ton hotel, trying to save Paul (since I've made him killable now, because hiding in a cupboard until he's murdered everyone is no fun).
People liked that idea, huh. I've got plenty more waiting to be discovered ;)
I've been trying to implement this myself... it's not easy, because he doesn't know to stay the hell away from the MIBs he's killing, one of the MIBs has an assault shotgun (which is a pretty powerful weapon), he's up against so many other NPCs at once, and even if you allow him to flee, there's no HidePoint inside his apartment, so he tends to run straight into enemy lines.
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Yeah, I've read you've both been having trouble as you have been trying different methods. A simple bCower=True works fine for me ;) After all in the convos you have with him he appears to be in so much pain.
....although Cower=True does look kinda silly when the troops are unloading on him and he doesn't go down but that can be solved by making him killable and coding whether or not he died for later levels. How do you do that anyway (make him dead in the story for later levels), is it a variable written in saveinfo?
I better add that to my to do list.
Last edited by Cybernetic pig on Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by G-Flex »

I don't know why you'd be messing with SaveInfo, but for what it's worth, you probably won't have to do anything to get the game to recognize Paul is dead, since it checks the same death flag that's set for all "important" NPCs when they die (so that they don't show up in later maps).
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by DDL »

Huh. Well, after a bit of thought, I wondered if I could make NPCs respond to dying MIBs like they do incoming LAMs.

I haven't actually watched Paul enough to see him visibly doing it, but the log message he fires off when he going into a MIB-initiated avoidingprojectiles state ("AVOIDING A MIB OMG OMG") definitely crops up in the log, so it could simply be that he doesn't often have enough time to get away noticeably. He seems to be surviving better (he's got to the exit twice now -though I've started hiding my LAMs behind bins to stop UNATCO stealing them, which also helps).

It turns out that AIsendevents are hugely flexible, since they're based on names rather than anything hardcoded. AIstartEvent('MIBASPLODE',EAITYPE_visual,,256) will happily call stuff in pawns if they have the right callbacks set up.

I've never really wanted to fuck with callbacks, since down that path madness lies, but for stuff like this it seems relatively straightforward.
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Re: So what are YOU working on nowadays in Deus Ex?

Post by AdamJensen »

I have been helping the Director of the Hengsha project and we are progressing well.

Many weapons are made and we will be releasing the mod within a few months.

Screenshots of some weapons:
Double-Barrel Shotgun
There are more DXHR weapons in-development but no screenshots of them yet. My friend is also making the HR Sniper.

I have also been waiting for GMDX V3, Terminus Machina, DXNihilum, Revision, and all the other great DX mods that are in-development.
Last edited by AdamJensen on Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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