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Man in Black Mod (recruiting)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:37 am
by WildcatPhoenix
The Deus Ex: Man in Black mod team is once again looking for new team members to fill various positions.

What is Man in Black?
Deus Ex: Man in Black is a user-made single player modification for the original Deus Ex. It tells the story of two MJ12 MIB agents, Agent Q and Shadow. The mod is set approximately one month after the events of the original game and will allow the players to continue the story from the perspective of a Majestic 12 agent.

Alas, it does not have anything to do with Johnny Cash.

What makes this mod different from others?
Man in Black features two distinct protagonists. From the outset, the player will choose whether to play as Agent Q or Shadow. Agent Q is a nano-augmented MIB agent, the first of the Series Q agents, and will have access to nanoaugmentation canisters throughout the course of the game. Agent Shadow is an older model Series P agent; players will begin the game with any 5 augs installed, including combinations that were not possible in the original game. However, these augmentations are hard-wired; players can upgrade their augs and skills, but they cannot install new augmentations. Agent Shadow will also begin with more skill points available to the player.

What positions are available on the team?
MIB is looking for experienced team members to fill the following tasks:

-Mapper: Man in Black will feature at least 10 missions per storyline with multiple load zones. MIB will also feature several returning locations from the original game, which will need to be edited and rescripted.
-Coder: The mod will present several unique coding challenges, including mission scripting, a new character selection screen with options for two different protagonists, NPC coding, map transitions, etc.
-Character Skinner: MIB will feature dozens of new characters, including NPCs and major characters. Each of these will require new skins or combinations of previous character skins.

Is the mod accepting submissions for voice actors?

Not at this time. We will begin accepting voice acting submissions after all mission scripts are finalized and a designated sound editor is on board.

When will this mod be released?

The mod will be released in two-mission episodes. We do not currently have a release date goal; in my prior experience, these always end up getting pushed back over and over again. So we'll just go with the classic "when it's finished" approach for now. Apologies.

Do you have a website?

Mod DB:

Interested parties should contact me, WildcatPhoenix, at or through PM on this forum. IMPORTANT: Prospective team members should submit a sample of your previous work for consideration.

Re: Man in Black Mod (recruiting)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:33 am
by justanotherfan
Welcome back, thanks for the update!

I'm afraid I can't do anything listed above. I like the new screenshots.

Re: Man in Black Mod (recruiting)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:01 pm
by WildcatPhoenix
Thanks! It's good to be back on the modding scene after a long absence. :smile:

I got a chance to preview our opening map for the Agent Q storyline, and I think you guys are going to be very impressed with what our lead mapper has put together (I'd love to post some screenshots, but I promised him I wouldn't spoil the surprise!)

On a "business" note: we are looking for a webhost to set up a new forum. Our old forums at Deus Ex: Reborn have fallen into disrepair (to hells with you, spambots!) Is anyone out there willing to help us set up a developer's only forum? Public forum will come later as more media becomes available.

Re: Man in Black Mod (recruiting)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:34 am
by Jerion
MIB Mod has a new home:

Re: Man in Black Mod (recruiting)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:32 pm
by WildcatPhoenix
Keep in mind, this forum is currently in "developers only" mode, so visitors should beware spoilers (especially in the Writing section).

Re: Man in Black Mod (recruiting)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:18 am
by WildcatPhoenix
A quick note: we now have a sound editor on board.

All other positions are still available.