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Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:53 pm
by Cybernetic pig
FastGamerr wrote:Nice to see WildcatPhoenix making an appearance!
I replayed Nihilum, good show. Loses its juice a bit in the second half, but all in all it's really great. Queens ftw.
I read in the credits that assets from Wildcat's cancelled mod made it into Nihilum. I didn't realize MiB had got past the concept phase. Shame it died.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:55 am
by CrocMagnum
Hi! Cybernetic pig! Just passing by to notify you that I read your message on the French canarpc forums. So I’m reposting here just in case you didn’t check :
Hi! Totalitarian! I've edited post 1 and the GMDX full review to reflect your legitimate concern. ;)

By the way I don't know if you noticed but there is a serious space problem in page 1, so basically small links refer to full reviews. So here's my full presentation of GMDX if you didn't check it, I do hope it is to your liking: ... ost9754634

The praise is well deserved. Now if you could release v8.1 we would be grateful! :ninja:

EDIT: I've also added a link to your mod on post 1.

Finally I'm echoing your plea for a French translation of GMDX:

Cplusiennes / Cplusiens le créateur du mod GMDX, Totalitarian (anciennement Cybernetic Pig) en appelle à la Communauté pour une traductions en français du mod GMDX. Dont acte. Toutes les bonnes âmes sont priées de contacter le monsieur à l'adresse suivante:
Note 1: and silly me I corrected a pathetic spelling error. It’s been like 4 months I was butchering the name of your mod : calling it GDMX instead of GMDX. Sorry about that, error fixed of course.

Note 2: also kudos to you for registering on a Frog Board ! You’ve got some b***s, man! or maybe your just desperate! Mwahaha just kidding! *mrgreen*

Note 3: The mod Revision has also it’s own entry on post 1 now. Here again a small link refers to the full French presentation of the mod.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:06 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Thanks for letting me know. Hope to get a translator soon. Figured if I'm doing Russian I may as well do other languages too.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:19 pm
by CrocMagnum
I hope so. Your mod is worth it.

This v8 makes any previous version completely obsolete.

I remember downloading v3 of GMDX months ago! Cripes! Time flies.

I bet v8.1 will take some time to get released. By the way are the new high quality 2D-textures still in the works? if I remember correctly there was a modder, Barbeerian, who stepped up to design them? Thanks in advance.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:06 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Months? That was years ago. v3 must have been 2012 or early 2013.

Nope, barbeerian and I had a disagreement over faithfulness in art style. I put a spanner in the works of his creativity. Shame, 'cause he produced quality stuff. He did a few things for v8 which was appreciated anyhow.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:53 am
by Salk
Speaking of months, it's been three since any progress update here.

Any news, Cybernetic pig? ;)

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:43 pm
by Cybernetic pig
I don't usually post updates here anymore because there's few here to receive them, not to mention the mod doesn't have its own sub-forum and is tucked away in GD, and therefor hierarchically can be seen as less important than the others by the uninitiated.

Check the moddb page, there's been an update or two since release.

Alright, here's a short video showing a small handful cool new things:

And here's a recreation of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's Icarus Dash I did, just as an experiment and not to be in the mod:

Changelog in progress:


GMDX is now available in the following languages:


Artificial Intelligence:

-AI accuracy with grenade throws has a touch more randomization to it to cut down on frequent perfect pitches.
-AI stealth-related stats have been nerfed a little on realistic mode.
-The advanced security bot now uses a new/previously unused model.
-Greately diversified how an NPC behaves when seeking the source of a disturbance.
-Minor improvement to the new NPC melee attack/gun bash system.
-NPCs are no longer scared or turn hostile when the player is running around with a crate of TNT.
-Enabled some overlooked NPC vocal reactions to the player clowning around (like throwing a basketball at them).

Player-Controlled Mechanics:

-Faster and more immersive mantling.
-Stabilized the GEP Gun's remote controlled rocket steering & pressing the left mouse button will boost the remote rocket.
-With nothing in hand, left clicking on doors will put either a lockpick or nanokey ring in your hand.
Doing the same for hackable electronics will put multitools in hand.


-New simulated reload movement effects.
-Heavy weapon sizes are reduced from 4x2 to 3x2, taking up 6 slots as opposed to 8.
-Improved new recoil handling system further.
-Improved dynamic cover animations.
-Improved camera firing effects.
-Improved a large number of vanilla technical flaws with the Assault Rifle.
-Crossbow darts are not visually present in the weapon until halfway through the reload process.
-Ejected shell casings are no longer visually different if you attach a silencer, as in GMDX shell casings differ based on ammo type.
-Improved flamethrower handling effects.

User Interface/HUD:

-The health and augmentations screens now display a variety of general statistics.
-Added a number of functional & cosmetic improvements to the augmentation screen.
-Improved dynamic crosshair behaviour.


-Climbing ladders now has sound effects.
-Added some new subtle UI audio effects.
-Footstep sounds will now play when crouch-walking, albiet too quietly for NPCs to hear.
-Movers will play the appropriate footstep sounds as opposed to defaulting to concrete sounds.
-Security Bots play their unused critical damage sound if health is less than 20%.


-The Cloak and Radar Transparency augmentations now have new visual effects each.
-The spy drone now bounces off of level geometry upon collision, rather than losing all velocity.
-The Vision Augmentation now displays in full screen and has some aesthetic alterations.
-The Target Augmentation's scanning text has now been moved to the location of the target window so as to not distract the player.


-Thermoptic camo only enables you to pass through laser alarms undetected if you have the "Tech Specialist" perk.
-The "Nimble" perk now makes climbing ladders silent, in addition to mantling.
-The "In Bulk" perk has been replaced with the "Focused: Heavy Weapons" perk now that heavy weapon inventory sizes are more reasonable by default.

Level Design:

-More of the same - more detail, interactivity, balancing etc.u

Graphics & Effects:

-Gore effects improved.
-Additional level design detail.
-Added a variety of new interactive generic objects to the world where appropriate.
-A small handful of new hi-res textures made by 'Broken Pencil'.

Bug Fixes and inconsistencies:

-Vanilla Bugfix: ensured an end-game scenario cannot be met at the Hong Kong Helibase event if Jock misses his shot at blowing up the door.
-Vanilla Bugfix: finally, the elusive new game inventory bug is fixed after all these years. //Hmm
-Vanilla Bugfix: fixed the speed enhancement super jump exploit.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Projectile-based weapon accuracy now matches the current crosshair representation closely.
-Vanilla Bugfix: the assault gun's fire sound plays per bullet rather than playing a five round burst sound regardless of # of shots fired.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Weapons dropped to the floor by NPCs give ammo, as opposed to none.
-Vanilla Bugfix: When burnt to destruction, fire goes out as the object is destroyed, rather than 1 second before.
-Vanilla Bugfix: fixed a moderately rare bug where Paul refused to coverse with the player in the Hotel after having sent the NSF signal.
-Vanilla Bugfix: shooting unconscious NPCs, throwing them in water and so on kills them.
-The "do not place" test box bug when interacting with corpses if you have the the interaction auto holster option enabled is now fixed.
-Fixed an ai cooldown issue affecting a bot activated via an alarm being triggered in the dockyard map.
-Fixed a BSP error on the brooklyn bridge station map.
-JoJo now finds a path to the Rentons, and the UNATCO ambush event happens without error.
-The "Short Fuse" and "Combat Medic's Bag" perks now actually work properly.
-The advanced security bot with cloaking now deactivates it upon returning to patrol (just like the humans with cloaking do post-GMDXv6.0), and can also be destroyed by the plasma rifle without error.
-Pepper spray and other gasses no longer trigger laser alarms, same as in vanilla.
-Fixed a pathfinding error on the batterypark_02 map.
-The "Death Perspective" option no longer causes occassional crashing if set to First Person.
-Sam Carter no longer sets your assault gun ammo to 32 during a conversation triggered by the player's non-lethal efforts in battery park.
-Secondary Weapons no longer work underwater, except melee.
-Tear gas doesn't produce splashing effects when entering water.
-There is now a displayed name distinction between quicksaves and autosaves.
-Fixed bug where right clicking inventory icons while dragging another caused the dragged item to disappear.
-Fixed a minor visual inconsistency on the Skills UI screen
-Ensured the player cannot set all custom color theme colors black, as this will result in a broken menu.
-Tied a number of new headbob and camera interpolation effects added in GMDXv8.0 to the vanilla headbob option for those that suffer with motion sickness.
-NPC Head decapitation is disabled as was originally intended (because it's incomplete).
-Amended a couple typos.

Boring Balancing & Difficulty Adjustment:

-Removed UMP, USP and Laser Rifle (to be available via optional add-on), as well as 20mm EMP grenades.
-Reduced Synthetic heart energy drain considerably and halved the light aug's drain.
-You now cannot assign any melee weapon as a secondary weapon without the "inventive" perk.
-Altered stamina drain values & stamina now regenerates when crouched (if idle).
-The MJ12 ambush in Area51 now detects if the player has been ghosting/non-lethaling, and if so this ambush event does not happen.
-Minicrossbow steel dart damage reduced by 4.
-Added a couple extra assault gun clips in the interest of ammo balancing.
-Nerfed the damage of rubber bullets & thrown inventory items, and improved rubber bullet behaviour.
-On hardcore mode breath/stamina meter is not refilled when entering water.
-Increased the plasma rifle's effectiveness VS bots.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:23 am
by Salk
Thanks a lot.

It's quite the change log and I am looking forward to try 8.1 (elsewhere I read the version is going to be 9.0)! =D>

Though I am curious about the reason behind removing the UMP, USP, Laser Rifle and especially the EMP granade (which I used profitably in the game)...

Oh and one last thing... During my playthrough I did decide how I'll be usually avoiding the rocket launcher and the GEP gun in combat like the pest because of how easy it is to insta-kill yourself upon detonation of the rocket despite being quite far from the source of impact and unscathed. I noticed how the blast radius has been increased since version 5. Perhaps it'd be the case to revert the change or tone it down a little or perhaps make the damage scale so that you don't kill yourself each time? Just a suggestion...

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 5:25 am
by Bogie
Heheh... Sorry for not doing alot. Life and such.
But yeah, this is looking impressive! I recently began replaying through GMDX, and had 2 things.

1. Realistic needs WAY more repair bots. I'm currently at the 2nd Hell's Kitchen visit, and I've encountered only 2 repair bots so far.
2. Certain med bots should have infinite charge (UNATCO, Morgan Everett's mansion, ect). I think it would make alot of sense for UNATCO since you would be healing up after a mission possibly twice or thrice.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:22 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Bogie wrote:Heheh... Sorry for not doing alot.
Would be awesome if you continued with the texture creation.
Send me a message whenever you feel up to it.
1. Realistic needs WAY more repair bots. I'm currently at the 2nd Hell's Kitchen visit, and I've encountered only 2 repair bots so far.
Well, you don't even have any notably consumptive augs by that point, and a shitload of biocells.
2. Certain med bots should have infinite charge (UNATCO, Morgan Everett's mansion, ect). I think it would make alot of sense for UNATCO since you would be healing up after a mission possibly twice or thrice.
Nah. It's a part of the higher difficulty experience and should remain consistent. Playing on easier difficulties, bots are infinite use. Or you can get the perk that increases the effectiveness of rep/med bots.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:21 pm
by Bogie
1. Yep, I'll get back to it in a week probably.
2. You know, that's relatively true. Although I seem to be using flares alot more, which is a good thing.
3. Yeah, you make a good point about that.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:10 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Eurogamer's DF Retro series has done an episode on DX, its PS2 version as well as mentioning mods:

GMDX is recommended as the "best way to play DX today" at the end.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:47 pm
by Salk
...and it will be all the more true once 9.0 is out.

Really looking forward to it! Let's hope it will get the recognition it deserves.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:51 am
by WildcatPhoenix
FastGamerr wrote:Nice to see WildcatPhoenix making an appearance!
*waves to his old comrade
Cybernetic pig wrote: I read in the credits that assets from Wildcat's cancelled mod made it into Nihilum. I didn't realize MiB had got past the concept phase. Shame it died.
I wouldn't say "died." More like it's just in lurk mode, for now. Awaiting the right circumstances to rise from the ashes and wreak havoc upon the internets... 8)

Meanwhile, eagerly awaiting GMDX 9.0.

Re: GMDXv8.0 Release

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:18 pm
by FastGamerr

Hello again, WildcatPhoenix - I'm forever grateful to you for being able to use those MiB NPC sounds (and some of blueneptune's MiB archi) in DXN. :]

Also, only now did I notice that you posted on the DX:MD thread as well! In the 3 years since DXN was released I have become old, fat and seemingly lost my ability to read. Oy!

Also great to see GMDX continuing to receive recognition and attention - it totally deserves it. In fact, judging by a couple of Google searches, GMDX is firmly in the group of "must-play DX mods". Congrats, mate!