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Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:29 pm
by bjorn98009_91
Hello all!

We have finally released Deus Ex: Revision Demo 1.3.1! The release is mainly a bugfix release, but it also features some improvements to previous maps. Mainly the Liberty Island, Battery Park and Smuggler's place. Later maps like Paris are not included, neither is any soundtrack material.

Hope you will enjoy it. Feedback is always welcome! :)


Our website:

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:11 pm
by Chris Rosenkreutz
Excellent news! I no longer need to cheat to get a baton on Liberty Island!

While I'm looking forward to playing the full version of Revision later this year, I hope that later parts of the game won't be as rushed as the original.

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:35 pm
by nerdenstein
I love this mod so much. <3

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:58 pm
by bjorn98009_91
nerdenstein wrote:I love this mod so much. <3
:D Nice! Thank you!

Are you going to play demo 1.3.1 or are you waiting for the full version?

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:00 am
by Cybernetic pig
Awesome. Paris looks beautiful. Ocean Lab, Sub Base & Ocean Lab UC are my most anticipated revised maps.

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:06 am
by bjorn98009_91
Yeah, we are saving the best for last. Paris is almost done, except for some minor tweaking and Ocean Lab is currently being worked on.

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:04 pm
by Chris Rosenkreutz
Well I'm playing 1.3.1. With hindsight, what Liberty Island has always needed was more trees, rain and darkness. It's far more atmospheric. I can't wait to see what you are doing with the Ocean Lab.

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:55 pm
by x51
Excellent mod! another looking point on vanilla DX

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:06 pm
by Chris Rosenkreutz
I needed to grenade climb my way out of the tree triangle in battery park. But more trees is always good.

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:28 pm
by bjorn98009_91
Chris Rosenkreutz wrote:I needed to grenade climb my way out of the tree triangle in battery park. But more trees is always good.
Why did you go in there in the first place? :D

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:45 pm
by medzernik
Hello there, i am really excited about the new 1.3.1 and want to play it RIGHT AWAY, but unfortunately i think that there is a problem with saving crashing the game. I've turned off every mod and uninstalled HDTP, but i think the reason is either with shifter OR with Revision doing something. My mods are: Direct10, Shifter 1.9, NewVision, HDTP Latest. I would be glad if there would be any help for me. Thanks! :)

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:21 pm
by Chris Rosenkreutz
bjorn98009_91 wrote: Why did you go in there in the first place? :D
To see what was there! I won't be doing it a second time.

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:17 pm
by bjorn98009_91
medzernik wrote:Hello there, i am really excited about the new 1.3.1 and want to play it RIGHT AWAY, but unfortunately i think that there is a problem with saving crashing the game. I've turned off every mod and uninstalled HDTP, but i think the reason is either with shifter OR with Revision doing something. My mods are: Direct10, Shifter 1.9, NewVision, HDTP Latest. I would be glad if there would be any help for me. Thanks! :)
Hmm. Do you get any error messages? After a crash before you launch the game again, please find Revision.log and send it to me. It's either in DeusEx\System or in My Documents\Deus Ex.

Just so you know the game hasn't been tested with Shifter 1.9, since 1.9 wasn't even out when we released. However, it should still work fine both with or without the Shifter compatibility option.

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:52 pm
by medzernik
bjorn98009_91 wrote:
medzernik wrote:Hello there, i am really excited about the new 1.3.1 and want to play it RIGHT AWAY, but unfortunately i think that there is a problem with saving crashing the game. I've turned off every mod and uninstalled HDTP, but i think the reason is either with shifter OR with Revision doing something. My mods are: Direct10, Shifter 1.9, NewVision, HDTP Latest. I would be glad if there would be any help for me. Thanks! :)
Hmm. Do you get any error messages? After a crash before you launch the game again, please find Revision.log and send it to me. It's either in DeusEx\System or in My Documents\Deus Ex.

Just so you know the game hasn't been tested with Shifter 1.9, since 1.9 wasn't even out when we released. However, it should still work fine both with or without the Shifter compatibility option.
I am using Kentie's exe. When i looked for the log file i was unable to find it. However when i started purely Revision exe, it generated a log file. Can i use modified exe to load the mod or i have to load Deus Ex through revision and replace existing files. Not sure if HDTP will work. I can try though if it is required.

However as i looked into the logs i saw that they are similar. I will post the DeusEx.log here:

Log: Log file open, 08/01/13 15:16:11
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7601)
Init: Version: 1100
Init: Compiled: Jan 29 2001 16:45:52
Init: Command line:
Init: Base directory: C:\Games\Deus Ex 1\System\
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Cd Path: ..\
Init: Computer: GREEPEDAVID
Init: User: David
Init: Memory total: Phys=4194303K Pagef=4194303K Virt=2097024K
Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
Init: CPU Speed=3300.062575 MHz
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Log: Bound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Bound to Extension.dll
Log: Bound to ConSys.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusEx
Log: Loading: Package Core
Log: Loading: Package Engine
Log: Loading: Package Extension
Log: Loading: Package DeusExCharacters
Log: Loading: Package DeusExUI
Log: Loading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Loading: Package Effects
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Loading: Package Fire
Log: Loading: Package ConSys
Log: Loading: Package DeusExSounds
Log: Loading: Package DeusExDeco
Log: Loading: Package UBrowser
Log: Loading: Package UWindow
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Loading: Package IpDrv
Log: Bound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusExText
Log: Loading: Package Ambient
Log: Loading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Loading: Package IpServer
Log: Loading: Package MPCharacters
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Bound to WinDrv.dll
Init: Mouse info: 0 0 0
Init: Initializing DirectDraw
Log: DirectDraw drivers:
Log: display (Primary Display Driver)
Init: DirectDraw initialized successfully
Init: Client initialized
Log: Bound to Render.dll
Log: Loading: Package Render
Init: Lighting subsystem initialized
Init: Rendering initialized
Log: LoadMap: entry.dx
Log: Loading: Package Entry
Log: Loading: Package Title_Music
Log: Game class is 'DeusExGameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame:
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0
Log: Browse: DX.dx?Name=Player?Class=DeusEx.JCDentonMale
Log: Doing load, not loadgame
Log: Current mission number is -1, next is -1
Log: LoadMap: DX.dx?Name=Player?Class=DeusEx.JCDentonMale
Log: Loading: Package DX
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unloading: Package Render
Log: Garbage: objects: 33603->33602; refs: 372156
Log: Game class is 'DeusExGameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level DX.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=DeusEx.JCDentonMale
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is DX.Mutator1
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level DX.MyLevel
ScriptLog: Login: Player
Init: *** DEUS EX VERSION Mon Mar 19 12:06:14 2001 v1.112fm ***
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: JCDentonMale DX.JCDentonMale0
ScriptLog: All inventory from Player is accepted
Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport0
Log: Opened viewport
Log: Bound to OpenGLDrv.dll
Log: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
Log: Enter SetRes()
Init: GL_VENDOR : NVIDIA Corporation
Init: GL_RENDERER : GeForce GTX 680/PCIe/SSE2
Init: GL_VERSION : 4.3.0
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_compression
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
Init: Device supports: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_secondary_color
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
Init: Device supports: GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
Init: Device supports: GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_program
Init: Device supports: GL_ARB_fragment_program
Init: Depth bits: 24
Log: 4 Texture Mapping Units found
Log: MaxAnisotropy = 16
Log: Trying to use S3TC extension.
Log: MinLogTextureSize = 2
Log: MaxLogTextureSize = 14
Log: BufferActorTris = 1
Log: UseDetailAlpha = 1
Log: Bound to Galaxy.dll
Init: Galaxy is using DirectSound
Init: Galaxy initialized
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 6.421645 seconds
DevMusic: Load music: Music Title_Music.Title_Music
Log: Loading: Package DXFonts
Log: Assigning Last Button Window to MenuUIMenuButtonWindow DX.JCDentonMale0.DeusExRootWindow0.MenuMain0.MenuUIClientWindow0.MenuUIMenuButtonWindow9
Log: Assigning Last Button Window to MenuUIMessageBoxShadowWindow DX.JCDentonMale0.DeusExRootWindow0.MenuUIMessageBoxWindow0.MenuUIMessageBoxShadowWindow0
Log: Assigning Last Button Window to MenuUIActionButtonBarWindow DX.JCDentonMale0.DeusExRootWindow0.MenuUIMessageBoxWindow0.MenuUIActionButtonBarWindow0
Log: Assigning Last Button Window to MenuUIActionButtonWindow DX.JCDentonMale0.DeusExRootWindow0.MenuUIMessageBoxWindow0.MenuUIActionButtonBarWindow0.MenuUIActionButtonWindow1
Log: Tried to remove lastbuttonwindow descendant. MenuUIActionButtonWindow DX.JCDentonMale0.DeusExRootWindow0.MenuUIMessageBoxWindow0.MenuUIActionButtonBarWindow0.MenuUIActionButtonWindow1
Log: appRequestExit(0)
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unbound to Engine.dll
Log: Unbound to Core.dll
Log: Unbound to Window.dll
Log: Unbound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Unbound to Extension.dll
Log: Unbound to ConSys.dll
Log: Unloading: Package DeusEx
Log: Unloading: Package Core
Log: Unloading: Package Engine
Log: Unloading: Package Extension
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExCharacters
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExUI
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Unloading: Package Effects
Log: Unbound to Fire.dll
Log: Unloading: Package Fire
Log: Unloading: Package ConSys
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExSounds
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExDeco
Log: Unloading: Package UBrowser
Log: Unloading: Package UWindow
Log: Unbound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Unloading: Package IpDrv
Log: Unbound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Unloading: Package DeusExText
Log: Unloading: Package Ambient
Log: Unloading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Unloading: Package IpServer
Log: Unloading: Package MPCharacters
Exit: Game engine shut down
Log: Unbound to WinDrv.dll
Log: DirectDraw End Mode
Log: Flushing cache
Exit: DirectDraw released
Exit: Windows client shut down
Log: Unbound to Render.dll
Exit: Lighting subsystem shut down
Exit: Rendering shut down
Log: Unloading: Package Entry
Log: Unloading: Package Title_Music
DevMusic: Unregister music: Music Title_Music.Title_Music
Log: Unloading: Package DX
Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level DX.MyLevel
Log: Unbound to OpenGLDrv.dll
Log: Unbound to Galaxy.dll
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: NULL
Exit: Galaxy shut down
Log: Unloading: Package DXFonts
Log: Garbage: objects: 34045->0; refs: 372156
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Memory Allocation Status
Uninitialized: Curr Memory 0.070M / 2.059M
Uninitialized: Peak Memory 57.843M / 59.711M
Uninitialized: Allocs 153 Current / 232348 Total
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 08/01/13 15:16:21

Re: Revision Demo 1.3.1 has been released!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:57 am
by bjorn98009_91
That log file tells me nothing, since the log is overwritten whenever you launch the game. I need a log from the actual crash before you relaunch.

Also, how are you launching the mod now? You should use one of the Revision shortcuts to launch. You can now use any of the .exes' directly since that won't tell the game it should use our .ini files to load Revision content. You don't have to replace any content. The installer will install Revision into a separate directory, the only thing that will get overwritten would be any renderers you choose. However that shouldn't really be a problem.

You are having issues getting HDTP to work? Make sure it's installed correctly and then copy over the HDTP paths from HDTP.ini to Revision.ini that's in DeusEx\Revision\System.