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hi there! and a problem

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:59 am
by Dag
Hello! I'm newb here. I joined a while ago 'cause I was looking at Tack's deus ex lab for the millionth time, and thinking I'd like to thank the people who keep the site up. I've never released any mods, but I used to play with the editor a lot, and so many other sites from the deus time of gaming are gone. Even the webarchive seems to lose pages of old sites, eventually. So this forum and TNMod are new to me, I look forward to playing the mod. I was kind of stunned to see the attention it's got, that makes me very very happy.

Of course, I started playing around again with the editor. I've found that I can build, rebuild, and save levels, but when I open them again they are blank. This is distressing, I'm not into perma-level-death Rogue Modding. Anyone have a similar problem? I'm using a gog version of the game, and windows 7 64 bit. So I thought it was folder permissions problem, but I also thought I'd fixed that. Any suggestion would be appreciated!

Was going to put this in the editing forum, but I see more troubleshooting posts like this here.

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:27 pm
by Hanfling
Check log after saving / loading.

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:52 pm
by Dag
Thank you for your reply!
The glaring problem from the log seems to be
Warning: Failed loading package: Can't find file for package 'testyuri'

Since I posted last I've uninstalled and reinstalled from 3 diff copies. The GOG one is the only one I can get working at all, now. Finally, everything with UnEd worked fine for half an hour. Then the level disappeared again.

Unfortunately, I didn't save the log for that successful session. I have the initial log and the last one, the fail.

Should I post a complete log?

I hesitate to download and use a new exe, even if they are so popular that Steam forums talk about them freely.

What say you?

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:00 am
by Hanfling
Sure go ahead and nopaste it somewhere.

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:28 pm
by Dag
I've again made two levels, each with a room. The first level is fine, the second level was the first saved under a different name. I built and tested it fine, and then the level was completely blank on restart. The first level room remains as it was, fine.

Here's a log when it didn't work,
which is pretty much like a log from when it did work.
In both logs, the same area is lost, whether I tried to load it or not.

I've tried moving the files and starting over, using only default textures, next I will try witchcraft. I'm not the most computer literate, but I usually do ok. In this case I'm baffled.

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:35 pm
by that guy
haven't used unrealed in about 5 years but I have a vague recollection that you get the empty level symptom if you try and load a level with assets from a .u file that you're not importing or that doesn't exist. I also vaguely recall there being a separate .ini for the editor to the game but I'm far from certain about this. No idea how it would let you create the level in the first place though if this was your problem.

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:49 pm
by Hanfling
Warning: Failed to load 'asylum_y': Can't find file for package 'asylum_y'
Are you sure that you did not import textures and forget to save them?

Also if the UED2 hack does not work, try again with UED1 and see if that at least works.

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:26 pm
by Dag
I definitely saved the textures; I just tried again and the room disappeared again, but I can see the .utx file fine. I've got more internets to search through for luck or clues. Hopefully this weekend I can figure this out.

It's going to be something bloody obvious, in the end, I'm sure!


Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:34 pm
by bjorn98009_91
Try adding the package to "EditPackages" in DeusEx.ini, try loading up the package manually before you load the level.

Re: hi there! and a problem

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:33 pm
by Dag
Yes, the problem is definitely a packages one.
I started from scratch with folder directories and test maps, edited the ini., followed the directions in Tack's lab for packages with command prompt, but got an error.
The pattern is clear now, though, it's not texture format or size or file name length or path. I just need a breather from this before I try again :)
Thanks for the help, seriously. I guess when I used to play with the editor I was using existing textures.

Could just use a newer version and stick to tunnel crawling bsp brushes, but it's a Deus Ex level I want to make :)