DX3 will actually be a prequel!

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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by chris the cynic »

teknikal wrote:I think I need to add my two cents worth of drawings about DX3.
I actually considered adding that myself when I saw it on your page.
Although, honestly... how can any cyberpunk fan not be excited about another cyberpunk game, Deus Ex or not?
All of my objections to Deus Ex 3 would evaporate if it were not a Deus Ex game. If it isn't a prequel to Deus Ex then not fitting before Deus Ex isn't even close to a problem. Anti-Deus Ex design decisions are no problem outside of the Deus Ex series.
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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by teknikal »

true true
I'm addicted to the art direction of Deus Ex...so it's a shame to see it go. DX3 is visually stunning nonetheless. Definately one of the artistically coolest looking games in ages I think.

It's a real shame we may have to play it whilst forcing ourselves to forget its a Deus Ex game like Invisible War. At least we wont be subjected to the retarded version of JC again seeing as its a prequel *phew* so it'll be easier to pretend its not Deus Ex.
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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Although, honestly... how can any cyberpunk fan not be excited about another cyberpunk game, Deus Ex or not?
I would be excited about it, but Deus Ex 3 isn't a Cyberpunk game.. its a "Transhumanist" game-- very very different animal.

Cyberpunk is dirty, gritty and all about living hard. Transhumanism is about Utopian visions and UBER AWESOME TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE WORLD OF TOMORROW!- the sort of shit that Futurists talk about- ie. Minority Report is a great example of this. Add the smug Renaissance styling (though as I've always said a Romantic approach would've been better than just blatantly ripping off Renaissance style- A Romanticized Cyberpunk would look quite awesome compared to Deus Ex 3. Further more they're running a risk of doing what I have done before, where by you merge Steampunk and Cyberpunk together-- unless you can make it work (ie. Alternative History) it's just going to look and sound rather stupid) and you've got yourself a game that will really de-attach itself from its target demographics and really alienate the fanbase.. This is what I feel has happened and why I'm not excited anymore.
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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by chris the cynic »

If they don't totally suck it should be transhumanism collapsing into cyberpunk. Remember that they've said the events of Deus Ex 3 will lead directly to the creation of UNATCO.

Utopia and awesome futuristic technology does not result in a down the earth gritty border less army that cuts peoples arms and legs off and replaces them with technology so crude it can't even be disguised as human so that they might be a bit more efficient in their publicly acknowledged job of killing bad people and their job so secret even most of them don't know about it of taking over the world. Things have to be pretty gritty for the nations of the world to agree to create an agency accountable to someone else (the UN) for the purpose of entering their borders to kill terrorists.

So, again, if the developers do not suck, and if they are not lying to us, this game should start out transhumanist and end up cyberpunk. Which seems to me like something you would like.

On the other hand, given that they seem to be going out of their way to say that this could not happen before Deus Ex, it may be that they UNATCO created by the events of DX3 is completely different from the UNATCO we know.
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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

but then that would be a spinoff.. and you might as well call the game Fallout 3 while your at it.

Personally, when was the last time Post-Modernism to Cyberpunk actually worked? I've not seen it yet. Its always one or the other- this is why William Gibson NEVER explained Sprawl before sprawl.. rather than risk it he created the Bridge series- that was Post-Cyberpunk (yet occurs in like 2010-2020 rather than 2050 like Neuromancer and Deus Ex.)

The problem is that Deus Ex 3 is a prequel.. rather than a spinoff and rather than a sequel.. I'd rather it be a Sequel if it had to be.. Creating a spinoff series seems more like a cash grab- like they had no desire to even continue the series rather leech off its reputation without coping the IWar curse.

From what I've heard from Eidos Montreal's Press previews, they have no idea what they're doing- this is why I'm pessimistic.. Its also because I question if they even READ Warren and Harvey's Design Documents and critiqued them accordingly.

The idea of a second renaissance as the prelude to dystopia is absurd- the 18th Century would agree with me. Once your people achieve enlightenment, they get smarter and rebel because common minds will think alike.. What I'm guessing Deus Ex 3 is, The Renaissance only exists in the upperclasses, Mechs are servants to the Corporations and Illuminati-- this should be a time where the Illuminati is at their most powerful, Mechs are common in the corporate sector, people hate mechs because they have physical advantages and are allowed better jobs and better pay as a result of these.. Mechs should be treated like the middle class- Humans as the lower and the Upper class are the Illuminati and the select privileged whom at this point should have Nano-Augs- or strictly cosmetic augmentations.

I sure to hell hope this is what they've done else this is going to be a pretty easy and predictable game where by the user never gets a sense that they're at a level of unknowing.. I'd love to start the game in a position before Adam is a Mech, and then turn him into one.. This is what I LOVED about BioForge- your memories are erased and you start the game as a mechanical freak, but slowly work it into reverse because you become a bit more human as you go- AWESOME.. It also works brilliant for Syndicate too... though the other way, like DeusEx 3 should ideally be.

I'd rather not have to jump into Adam's life- I'd rather build it from scratch thanks.. First things first.. He looses his job because he knows too much, that IMO would give the player something to go on- Deus Ex does this but it takes a bit longer, its not very instant, its more "Paul says turn against UNATCO... and now nothing makes any bloody sense." I loved that feeling, When TracerTong mentioned the Illuminati I thought WTF?! because we had no idea at the time how the world of Deus Ex worked.. so Deus Ex 3 should ideally do the same. But I suspect it won't because the surprise is ruined.
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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by teknikal »

whoo! i stand corrected! LOL

*reads the huge posts in front of her* lol... umm i think i lack the necessary brainpower to even begin a response to that

*decides she'll stick with what she good at & goes back to making more art* dum de dum.... :P
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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by chris the cynic »

teknikal wrote:whoo! i stand corrected! LOL

*reads the huge posts in front of her* lol... umm i think i lack the necessary brainpower to even begin a response to that

*decides she'll stick with what she good at & goes back to making more art* dum de dum.... :P

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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

you're actually pretty good tek, impressive stuff.

here's my stuff http://darkneon.deviantart.com/ I haven't updated it in ages but proof I can draw :D.
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Re: DX3 will actually be a prequel!

Post by teknikal »

Okay okay I shall attempt to converse with you guys; you're all so damn good with words I'm left like this: O.O
Mr_Cyberpunk wrote:I'd love to start the game in a position before Adam is a Mech, and then turn him into one.. This is what I LOVED about BioForge- your memories are erased and you start the game as a mechanical freak, but slowly work it into reverse because you become a bit more human as you go- AWESOME.. It also works brilliant for Syndicate too... though the other way, like DeusEx 3 should ideally be.
I totally agree with the approach to the story -given that Eidos Montreal does it right. They have a good opportunity to exploit if they do. I really want to get to know Adam's life very well before the 'black ops commandos' break into the facility and kill all my buddies. I want to care about my friends if they are to die... otherwise what's the point of going on a quest to find out why it happened? Where's my motivation to sacrifice all my physical humanity and become a kickass cyborg?

I've noticed that the most successful part of Deus Ex was that you got to experience part of your 'normal life and normal job' before the shit hits the fan and the mega huge plot twist kicks in. There is so much time given to the player to get comfortable in the character scenario handed to them and build relationships with the characters around them -character and story investment if you will. When the actual plot finally kicks in, it's that much more emotionally stirring!

I mean, who actually gave a damn about saving your 'best friend' in Zelda: Twilight Princess? I didn't. Nintendo never gave me the chance to know or like my so -called best friend. And goddamn it, Invisible War didn't do this either. I didn't care about anyone, and the major plot device happened way too early on; right away to be exact. Actually, I could only care about familiar faces from DX1 outside of the context of being Alex D. Terrible.

However, TNM did a wonderful job, giving me time to get to know everyone before allowing me make the choice that ultimately determines my allies for the rest of the game. Well done OTP!

Freaking hell more games really need to get this thing called 'narrative' right and read more books.

Oh and BioForge... my sister's boyfriend lent me it and the lovely cereal sized box is sitting on my shelf eagerly awaiting me to play it. Soon my pet... soon...

And on a completely random unrelated note... A phone for Deus Ex fans worthy of a multi-tool!

heheheh...ok, enough from me now
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