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Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:19 pm
by Jaedar
Hassat Hunter wrote:Meh, so far I haven't been able to enjoy ANYTHING Blizzard of Valve created.
I guess I must be "special" not liking the devs of the masses...
Yeah, you must be "special" not liking portal, diablo 2, starcraft or Half-life. Those are generally considered top of their respective genres.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:33 pm
by Xesum
Speaking of Special, it's Jeans for Genes day tomorrow

And today in a School Assembly, we had to watch a video about the people with Gene Defects, and at the end of it when the teacher was just about to talk, the person next me shouted "CRIPPLE!!!" and everyone pissed their selves with laughter while some of the teachers tried to calm everyone down.

My Form Tutor on the other hand was laughing.

They never found out it was the person next to me.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:46 pm
by bobby 55
Man, your school must just be brimming with humanitarians. Excuse me for not laughing.
Full blown and possible bannable rant is building up.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:10 pm
by Xesum
My school also has this rule that if a teacher goes on a school trip, then they have to pay the Supply Teacher to cover their lessons, and not the school.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:16 pm
by bobby 55
Special people, nice let's sweep it under the carpet terminology. Then there's really special people. like those who wear their jeans on Jeans for Genes day with out even knowing it's relevance. Then there's the extra special people, who by biological standards, are considered normal but carry on in sub-human ways. Ways like making fun of others misfortune.
If you and your shool want to carry on like bottom feeding, scum sucking shits..... fine. Just don't bring it to peoples attention where they don't care for that behaviour one iota.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:30 pm
by Xesum
Yeah about 80% of my school are scumbags, the 20% are of the Emo-Mosher-Nerd scene.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:13 pm
by bobby 55
We can scratch the humanities and comprehension off your subject list then.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:20 pm
by DDL
To be fair, laughing at handicapped people is a perfectly normal thing for adolescents to do: a great deal of your teen years are spent working out who YOU are, and developing a heightened sense of empathy comes a distant second to that. Seriously: they've done brain studies and everything, and basically teenagers temporarily lose the use of a lot of their empathic brain regions and are generally supposed to be assholes. All part of mental development.

Once you've kinda figured yourself out and worked out who you are and stuff, then you start actually giving a shit about other people (or, you know, not -if it turned out you were an asshole anyway).

So don't be too hard on them. It's shitty, but it's nevertheless fairly inevitable.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:55 pm
by Jaedar
Bah, I'm an adolescent (sort of, leaving it about now, but still!) and it is not a valid excuse for being an asshole.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:02 pm
by DDL kinda is, is what the studies show.

It's not a case of "all teenagers are assholes", it's more of a case of "parts of the brain specifically dedicated to making someone less of an asshole, work far less effectively during adolescence".

It's sort of like being drunk, in that it's a qualifier of preexisiting traits: people who are inherently angry angry bastards but who keep it buried..tend to be angry drunks. People who are happy go lucky positive people but who tone it down normally...tend to be friendly drunks. People who are assholes will be massive assholes when teenagers. People who aren't, won't.

Plus you have the whole peer-group thing, which is almost never purely positive reinforcement.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:07 pm
by bobby 55
Ah yes the peer group thing. Let's thank all that is holy that you grow out of that. Also it is hard being a teenager and there are excuses for carrying on like pillocks but some things people just don't need to hear.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:31 pm
by Jaedar
It may be because I live in Sweden and statistical improbabilities, but falling for peer pressure just means you are weak-minded if you ask me.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:37 pm
by Xesum
Well, my peer group tends to piss off younger kids at school that act like "Ganstohs" for the fun of it.

A good way (What the fuck? Explorer.exe just crashed and started up again) of pissing them off is by playing a little thing called "Generic Knobhead" where one person will push in to someone else, usually my fat friend Paul, and then he'll fly towards the kid who is acting like a "Gangstoh" which will make him say "who da fuk u fink u pushin?" and then we'll just say he tripped or something.

Also quite fun to do on the crowded stair cases at lesson movement time.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:42 pm
by bobby 55
Well maybe but you are very bright and very mature for your age Jaedar. Bur I gotta say when you no longer feel the need to be seen to be cool, or want to hang out with the cool kids just so they may deign to like you, is amazingly liberating.

Re: I made a mistake

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:51 pm
by Xesum
We don't learn anything in school anymore, we can just look things up on the Internet nowerdays.

That and I don't want to comply with people that are only Pushing everyone to get an A* just to get a slightly better amount of pay.

Don't Push us, just teach.