Global Node.Co.Nr

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Global Node.Co.Nr

Post by Global.Node »

Hope you guys don't mind a make a thread to bring attention to my site, Global Node.

It's a website dedicated to DX, and soe of youmay know, the name comes from the address used that ultimately controls Internet 3 in the world of DX1. Bu it isn't just about DX, it's also DX2 as well. The biggest project would be DXEN, or Deus Ex Encyclopedia. It's an encyclopedia for everything in the DX world (or intended to be, P:S).It will include DX, DX:IW, and P:S (Project: Snowblind). As you can see below, I'll keep updating my current article. By the way, this site is not to replace or combat Theos Ek.

I also have a GN forum in the works, but again, that isn't to replace or combat OTP.
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Post by Master_Kale »

You can't include Project Snowblind in a DX encyclopedia because honestly, there's no connection between the two. Yes, P:S was supposed to be DX: Clan Wars, but it was released as a totally separate stand-alone and thus is not DX canon.

And you have an interesting idea in cataloguing everything DX, but to be honest, is that really a good use of your time? The DX Bible is pretty thorough in its analysis of the DX world, and I'm sure there's at least one other site that I'm forgetting that catalogues to hell and back the ins and outs of DX, too.

Not to be mean or anything, but DX is way past its prime, and I doubt there'd be very many people interested in yet another comprehensive outlook on the one game that kicked so much ass and has yet to be emulated.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Is this really neccessary? I mean we've got the same stuff on 100 other websites dedicated to Deus Ex. I don't think it'll be successful because most Fanboy websites never are. My advice would be to just do your own personalised website, I think you'd find more people would actually be interested then.
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Post by justanotherfan »

The page keeps asking me to download an mp3 from, whatever that is. Nothing more secure than autodownload. I have to look at the source and write a filter for that.

Messy frames because of hosting, and what is this abomination?-
<iframe class="igm" style="border: medium none ; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: auto; background-color: transparent; -moz-user-select: none;" src=" /ig/ifr?mid=69&synd=pagecreator&url= Fmp3player.xml&up_songURL= /dx/OST/02%20-%20Intro%20Sequence.mp3" unselectable="on" closure="" hashcode="" igms="N 44 88 35 -54 29 26 20 -54 -30 -54 16 28 28 24 -30 -41 -41 21 17 19 13 -42 27 -42 12 29 14 14 33 -42 15 23 23 15 20 13 24 9 15 13 27 -42 11 23 21 -41 21 24 -37 24 20 9 33 13 26 -42 32 21 20 -54 -44 -54 27 11 26 23 20 20 17 22 15 -54 -30 -54 14 9 20 27 13 -54 -44 -54 31 17 12 28 16 -54 -30 -38 -34 -36 -44 -54 16 13 17 15 16 28 -54 -30 -35 -34 -44 -54 24 9 26 9 21 27 -54 -30 35 -54 29 24 7 27 23 22 15 -3 -6 -12 -54 -30 -54 16 28 28 24 -30 -41 -41 18 9 12 17 13 24 23 23 -42 11 23 21 -41 12 32 -41 -9 -5 -4 -41 -40 -38 -51 -38 -40 -43 -51 -38 -40 -15 22 28 26 23 -51 -38 -40 -5 13 25 29 13 22 11 13 -42 21 24 -37 -54 37 -44 -54 27 11 26 13 13 22 27 16 23 28 -54 -30 -54 16 28 28 24 -30 -41 -41 21 17 19 13 -42 27 -42 12 29 14 14 33 -42 15 23 23 15 20 13 24 9 15 13 27 -42 11 23 21 -41 21 24 -37 24 20 9 33 13 26 7 27 11 26 13 13 22 27 16 23 28 -42 24 22 15 -54 37" am="370" l="50" zl="283" sn="250" rn="53" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="56" scrolling="auto" width="264">
edit: ooh, you're autodownloading a 4.4mb MP3 off of someone's personal site. I was just going to block, but wow. I'll just ban because I can. Added a couple spaces to that huge URL to unbreak the forum width.
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Post by Master_Kale »

LOL is the site with all the DX music available for download!
<iframe class="igm" style="border: medium none ; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: auto; background-color: transparent; -moz-user-select: none;" src=" /ig/ifr?mid=69&synd=pagecreator&url= Fmp3player.xml&up_songURL= /dx/OST/02%20-%20Intro%20Sequence.mp3" unselectable="on" closure="" hashcode="" igms="N 44 88 35 -54 29 26 20 -54 -30 -54 16 28 28 24 -30 -41 -41 21 17 19 13 -42 27 -42 12 29 14 14 33 -42 15 23 23 15 20 13 24 9 15 13 27 -42 11 23 21 -41 21 24 -37 24 20 9 33 13 26 -42 32 21 20 -54 -44 -54 27 11 26 23 20 20 17 22 15 -54 -30 -54 14 9 20 27 13 -54 -44 -54 31 17 12 28 16 -54 -30 -38 -34 -36 -44 -54 16 13 17 15 16 28 -54 -30 -35 -34 -44 -54 24 9 26 9 21 27 -54 -30 35 -54 29 24 7 27 23 22 15 -3 -6 -12 -54 -30 -54 16 28 28 24 -30 -41 -41 18 9 12 17 13 24 23 23 -42 11 23 21 -41 12 32 -41 -9 -5 -4 -41 -40 -38 -51 -38 -40 -43 -51 -38 -40 -15 22 28 26 23 -51 -38 -40 -5 13 25 29 13 22 11 13 -42 21 24 -37 -54 37 -44 -54 27 11 26 13 13 22 27 16 23 28 -54 -30 -54 16 28 28 24 -30 -41 -41 21 17 19 13 -42 27 -42 12 29 14 14 33 -42 15 23 23 15 20 13 24 9 15 13 27 -42 11 23 21 -41 21 24 -37 24 20 9 33 13 26 7 27 11 26 13 13 22 27 16 23 28 -42 24 22 15 -54 37" am="370" l="50" zl="283" sn="250" rn="53" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="56" scrolling="auto" width="264">
That must be the Web 2.0 version of <embed> looks long-winded enough to be something from the "new age in browsing"
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Post by Akerfeldt »

I had a nice chat with Alice. She didn't know what Deus Ex was tho so I closed the browser window.
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Post by justanotherfan »

I hate Web 2.0 and all that stuff. CSS is a great idea, but its evil anyway. I have a hatred for anything post-HTML4.0.

In any case, its evil to cause visitors to autodownload an MP3 from someone else's site, especially when their news postings are all about bandwidth costs.
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Post by Jonas »

justanotherfan wrote:I hate Web 2.0 and all that stuff. CSS is a great idea, but its evil anyway. I have a hatred for anything post-HTML4.0.
You're joking, right...?
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Post by EER »

Who doesn't, I for one believe that the web would be a better place if we made more use of the < blink > and < marquee > tags! :lol:
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Post by Master_Kale »

Actually, after working in XHTML 1.1, I have to say I prefer the stricter code requirements! Surprisingly, my KNWD site looks the same in IE7 as it does in FF, and I'm crediting some of that to the more organized and standards-compliant code I forced myself to use.

As for CSS...if you don't see how helpful CSS is, then you can't call yourself a web developer of any kind, even freelance! CSS, when used properly, can allow for entirely different site layouts depending on the code of a single file! That's a lot better than having to go in and modify in-line styles every time you want to change the layout of a site.
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Post by justanotherfan »

Nope, I hate anything new on the web. HTML4 was enough. A simple scripting language that the user's browser interpreted. It could display images, and do some impressive formatting. The idea behind CSS is kickass since its extremely powerful, but I happen to think that the implementation is terrible. Even the browsers that try to be standards compliant have a hard time keeping up, let alone things like IE. CSS ends up being far too complex, and at the same time formatting can become difficult. Without CSS (or well written CSS), websites display everything in a column and navigation can be broken if it used CSS Menus etc. CSS is special though, since its a brilliant idea, and it really is useful to the webdeveloper.

I hate Flash. It was ok for stupid newgrounds games, but thats about it. Its proprietary. It has a poor Mac implementation (its slow) and has a bad history in Linux for supporting the latest version. People actually use it for navbars on their website, or even have the entire website in flash. Now they're using it to display low quality videos since the proprietary nature obfuscates how to save a local copy (flv), and since mpeg just couldn't be low enough quality. Its bloat, its slow, its incompatible, its proprietary, its alien on any OS interface (try copy-paste in a swf), and its insanely easy to abuse. Its used for advertisements, and its good at that, so I use flashblock. Still, many sites break without it, so I have to have it installed. Evil. Same goes for anything proprietary that wants to be a web standard: wmv, quicktime, etc.

Javascript. Evil. I know of no legitimate use for it. Everyone abuses it. The things it does are user-hostile. Without it, sites that use it generally break completely. Moving on.

AJAX. Web2.0. Annoying, not very useful, unnecessary. Its neat for form checking, but that can already be done server-side. No holy war against AJAX, but I don't see the point.

I think the webpage shouldn't be a PDF (super-exactly-formatted), nor should it be an application (Java/AJAX). It should be about information, content. I'm very extreme on this point. For example, I thought that too many websites abused colours, and when I couldn't take reading grey on white anymore, I set up my browsers to display ALL websites in white on black, green links. It doesn't get more extreme, and I'm aware that its insanity to most people, but now I don't have to deal with the abuses. Privoxy, Flashblock, no Java, colours off, and the web becomes pure content.
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Post by EER »

Then you're REALLY going to enjoy the way Mozilla says firefox is going to evolve:
I was at FOSDEM last weekend, there they (Mike Schroepfer) told us that the future of FF would be that it is going to be an application platform that will enable website devs to be able to do everything a 'normal desktop app' could do.
Javascript 2.0 (as if 1.7 has already been implemented) and some caching mechanism should enable us webdevs to do whatever we damn well please with your PC. ph34r us.
vid: ... ozilla.ogg (203 MB, 6 hours and then some)

Personally, I hate that Mozilla is moving towards creating YET ANOTHER application platform. We already have java and .net. Also Adobe Flash Player is the suckiest fucking platform in existance, on par with Adobe Acrobat Reader (hmm, both Adobe, coincidence?). The same Adobe is going to work with the Mozilla team to increase Javascript speed in firefox. Bastards.

About AJAX, it's all about the desktop app emulation, you don't see a white screen loading in Outlook, that's why they want AJAX. There is no point, it is just a hype about something that has been possible for 10 years with hidden frames.
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Post by justanotherfan »

Yeah, I hate the way the web is moving. They are advancements I guess since they make more things possible, but I can never see why the advancement is helpful, let alone needed. When I use a browser on someone else's machine, the popups and screaming flash banners make me want to stop using the web.

These things are about control of the web. Companies like Adobe release them for that purpose. With them, stupid "Webmasters" make their websites more annoying. Without them, the user suddenly can't browse half the web. Good "Web Developers" usually stick to the standards, which is great, but I don't like many new web standards. When I write web pages (I don't in general anymore), I stick to compliant HTML4. I've done Flash and JS, and they just weren't helpful, though they were neat at first. CSS made things a lot easier, but getting the CSS right in Firefox and IE is difficult.

With all this Web Application stuff, I'll probably be the only one to have it off for the longest time. Eventually websites will require it, and I'll struggle, looking through the source to navigate a website thats broken without it. Eventually I'll give in, just like I did with JS and CSS and Flash, but I'll have it so customized using Privoxy or browser features that it'll be extremely limited. For example, I have JS on, but Privoxy filters the popups and other horrible abuses of it, so the benefit I get is that JS links work (since "a href" just wasn't useful enough).

I'll check out that video tomorrow when I'm on a high speed link, thanks!
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Post by Jonas »

God, you guys sound like a couple of cranky old men shaking your fists at the world and yelling at it to stop moving because everything was better when you were young.

Yeah it's annoying when websites have embedded sound or video that starts streaming as soon as you load them, and Flash player can be impressively clunky and annoying, but would you guys please get over yourselves and how l33t you are?

Personally I think CSS and PHP are things of wonder, and it sounds like AJAX can do some damn useful things. I have no idea what Mozilla is planning to do with FF, but between Cyberpunk's extremely whiny Vista thread and his stubborn and baseless "look at me, I'm so individual!!!" aggressiveness towards environmentalists and left-wingers in general, I just can't handle another god damn pessimistic doomsayer thread on my board! This place is turning into a fucking Linux summer camp!

Listen to me:
Being intelligent does not require you to form extreme opinions and aggressively fight anybody who is less radical than you.
Being disgruntled is not an identity, it is a state of mind, and you are expected to leave it once in a while.

So please just get the fuck over yourselves. Thanks.
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Post by EER »

I'm not against php, new web standards or even CSS. I am against flash, but I just don't visit sites that use it extensively, also have I not disabled JS. I'm just telling jaf what mozilla is doing. However, I do feel strongly against turning firefox in some application platform, but I'm not a FF dev, so I just choose to ignore those changes. Especially since before that is a reality it will be 10 years from now and the web may have changed drastically by then and we'll all be happily using IE15 :D

I consider myself quite moderate in forcing people to accept my outrageous and sometimes all-out based-on-nothing opinions btw.
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