Transporting The X

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Transporting The X

Post by CashiWaku »

Every year, sometimes twice a year, I go on these 3500 to 3800 mile round trips to the Smoky mountains for a full weeks worth of mountain riding bliss in NC, TN, VA and sometimes KY, many times solo. Sometimes I ride, and sometimes I trailer the bike on these trips. I currently have a 5x10 trailer that I use to haul the bikes anytime that its needed, but I was looking for an easier more compact way to transport the X-300 on multi-state long distance trips when by myself. I love the bike, but after doing these long distance trips on two different Goldwings, a Triumph Trophy SE, and a Harley, the little X just cant compare when it comes to long distance handling & comfort, especially if doing a lot of interstate miles. The big bikes cant take advantage of the hundreds of forest roads and non paved roads in the Appalachian region alone, but my way of thinking is that the X-300 would be perfect if I can get it up there easily.

I would have never considered these hitch haulers or doing this with the other two bikes or any of my previous bikes because they were just too big and too heavy and it couldn't be done safely. But after doing some research, the Versys X is well under the 600 lbs weight limit of some of these motorcycle hitch haulers, so I figured for a couple of hundred bucks, it was worth a try. I went with the Goplus 600 LBS unit because in all the reviews that I read, it always ranked #1 or #2 out of the top 10 haulers. Some owners making cross country trips using these haulers with a variety of sizes of bikes (staying within the load range). Its heavy gauge steel, almost too heavy at (92 lbs) and its solid. It comes with a built in 6' detachable ramp. I thought an aluminum one would be nice, and they're out there, but they have a much lower load limit rating on the aluminum units.

Once assembled and mounted on the truck hitch, I gave it a go at loading the bike. Even though it comes with one of the longest ramps, it was a struggle to push it up the ramp, and even harder to get it to lock into the wheel chock. I thought ok, this is not going to work this way. So after thinking about it for a little bit, I decided to start the bike and walk it up the ramp under its own power, while standing next to it. It was a breeze, it rolled right up and into the wheel chock effortlessly, it was just as easy to unload using gravity to roll it out of the hauler and down the ramp. I took it on a 20 minute 80 MPH test ride on the interstate, pulled of the interstate and checked the ratchet straps, then preceded home through typical urban street traffic through town. I left it on the truck overnight and took it on another test run this morning with a little more interstate time, it was a pretty solid run with very little movement using the hitch lock block.

I always have the trailer to use on the multi-state trips, and its pretty compact, but its a PIA to maneuver around at the cabin property, or the local little hotel parking lots in these small mountain towns. I should get much better fuel mileage without the trailer too. This year I'll be making the trip this June, providing the Covid-19 restrictions are eased up, and I'll be taking the X-300 for the first time to the mountains using this hitch hauler. Hopefully no unforeseen problems will occur.
Mole Person
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Re: Transporting The X

Post by Agnescott »

Sorry for bumping into an old conversation. Using a hitch hauler is a great way to save space and also avoid the hassle of maneuvering a trailer in tight spaces. It's fantastic to hear that you found a hauler compatible with your bike and could load it up and take it on some test rides without any issues. Hopefully, your trip in June goes smoothly, and you get to enjoy some fantastic rides in the Smoky Mountains. If you'll consider the shipping option, check out this company Please keep us updated on how it goes!
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