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Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:44 pm
by DDentonas
Deus ex costed 5.5M.

Here. ... v4#t=5816s

He can rise that much money with kickstarter easily.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:40 pm
by DaveW
DDentonas wrote:Deus ex costed 5.5M.

Here. ... v4#t=5816s

He can rise that much money with kickstarter easily.
Not really - you've got over 10 years worth of inflation to add to that (more like 7.5m), as well as the fact you cannot make a game like Deus Ex in a modern engine with an 8 man art team or designers making entire maps by themselves.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:04 pm
by Jonas
If you had to make DX to modern specifications with the same kind of budget it'd end after NYC.

Which would still be fine by me, frankly ;)

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:57 pm
by DDentonas
Thats why he should make a game with episodic content, with each episode founded by Kickstarter :D

He even said in his University class, that before he was acquired by Disney, he was working on an episodic game.

Also he said that the sweet spot for a game running time, should be 6 hours, but with very very high replay value. (That's why i liked Alpha Protocol)

Also, interestingly, the PS2 port, which had a lot of changes in the code and in some levels, costed only 2M. I wonder how you could interpret that.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:57 pm
by VectorM
Also, interestingly, the PS2 port, which had a lot of changes in the code and in some levels, costed only 2M. I wonder how you could interpret that.
That they already had most of it done, so they just had to change it up a bit? I mean, a lot of things seem very different, especially to a veteran, but it's still more or less the same game.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:44 pm
by Cybernetic pig
DDentonas wrote: Also he said that the sweet spot for a game running time, should be 6 hours, but with very very high replay value. (That's why i liked Alpha Protocol).
6 hours? Strongly disagree with the man. 6-120 hours, Sweet spot being 20 or so (Deus Ex). 120 hours would be FO: NV :)

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:56 pm
by shadowblade34
Cybernetic pig wrote:
DDentonas wrote: Also he said that the sweet spot for a game running time, should be 6 hours, but with very very high replay value. (That's why i liked Alpha Protocol).
6 hours? Strongly disagree with the man. 6-120 hours, Sweet spot being 20 or so (Deus Ex). 120 hours would be FO: NV :)
I'm inclined to agree with the sweet spot being around 6-15 hours, with high replay value. Busy people with lives simply do not have that much time on their hands to complete a sprawling, 50 hour game, you just want something to complete without having to invest months before you finish it.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:08 pm
by Cybernetic pig
shadowblade34 wrote: I'm inclined to agree with the sweet spot being around 6-15 hours, with high replay value. Busy people with lives simply do not have that much time on their hands to complete a sprawling, 50 hour game, you just want something to complete without having to invest months before you finish it.
Was that intentional?

We moving onto act two now? How do you know I don't work or have a "life"? :roll:

And statistics beg to differ:
Skyrim Sales Statistics| Data
Skyrim units sold in the first 48 hours|3.5 million
Skyrim units sold in the first week release| 7 million
Skyrim sales in the first week of release| $450 million
Total Skyrim units sold| 10 million
Total Skyrim sales| $620 million
Average user review rating| 92 / 100
Highest number of concurrent players on Steam| 280,000
And other members of this forum would too, all of which have surely spent many hours in a game at some point. We are no-lifes apparently.

Think about it- combine all the hours you have invested in gaming in your entire life, more than you'd like to say probably, what does it matter if you focused some of them hours into one game instead of spread across many smaller titles?

50 hours you say? across a month? (well, you said months, but since YOU don't like playing one game for months, well say one month). 50 ÷ 31=1.6 hours a day to complete. Your life sounds awesome if you don't even get 1.6 hours a day to do what you want. Get off the forums quick! your wife is calling you :lol:

I kid, it's good that you are non-stop building yourself a better future.

Suppose wasting my time on internet arguments proves I don't have a "life" :lol: My life is awesome, go away.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:48 pm
by VectorM
That has to be the most insecure thing i've read today. GJ, CP.
And statistics beg to differ:
Call. Of. Fucking. Duty.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:51 pm
by Cybernetic pig
GJ VM for pissing me off again. Hope you are proud of yourself. +1 ego boost. +1 game. +1 covert troll points.

How is it insecure when I had just said I like my games to last, and then shadow comes along and says "People with lives have no time for such trivial things".

Call. Of. Fucking. Duty.
What about it?

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:58 pm
by YeomanTheCastle
Cybernetic pig wrote:What about it?
He's talking about the fuckton of people who play Call of Duty, which is a simple game and doesn't require you to invest a lot of time into, as opposed to games like Skyrim or Fallout. And he is correct.

I'm willing to bet that more people play Call of Duty than fucking Skyrim.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:00 pm
by Cybernetic pig
And? how does that disprove my point?

You saying there are 10million no-lifes out there then?

I am 100% certain that there are people who come home from work and play for a few hours everyday, with exceptions obviously.
I was one of them. It's a fun game, and the multiplayer has a fair bit of depth for a MP shooter. SP is a disgrace to FPS though, in my opinion.
Makes me mad how bad it is when the MP is so good.

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:11 pm
by DDentonas
Well, there is a point to making a 6 hour game and there is a point to making a 25 hour game.

6 hours should be the default. Any longer then that and you can't bring yourself replaying it so easily. It is better suited for simple stories, like Alpha Protocol.

25 hours is for games that have an epic story to tell and no, not all games have to be epic. Deus ex is here.

50+ hours is for games that are the equivalent of the lord of the rings trilogy. Sure they are awesome, but with so much time, they better not suck. Skyrim is here and i don't like it.

For me, there is no sweet spot. It's all about what the game has to say and show with it's gameplay. The perfect example is Portal. Everything was there that needed to be there. There were the first test chambers that taught you the rules, then it let's you try out what you learned outside the test chambers and then you take down Glados. The story follows a similar path, First it sets the stage by building your trust towards Glados, just so it could pull the rag from under you when she tried to kill you. Finally we have the conclusion, were you get to have your revenge and escape. What else could you put in there without forcing the game, just to reach an arbitrary you-must-be-this-long-to-be-good limit?

Also in a long game you tend to forget where you came from. At the end of Area 51, did anyone really remember that you were an agent of UNATCO once, that you had dreams about working there and Bob Page corrupted it? That's the kind of problems that a very long game creates.

Argh, it's night over here, can't focus to express my thoughts. Hope you got what i'm trying to say! Goodnight!

Ps: Trying to make the game bigger, just to say that your game is big = BAAAAAAAAAD
Having a lot of things to say and show and you get a big game = GOOOOOOOOOOD
What alpha protocol did = ALSO GOOOOOOOOOD

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:16 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Well, there is a point to making a 6 hour game and there is a point to making a 25 hour game.

6 hours should be the default. Any longer then that and you can't bring yourself replaying it so easily. It is better suited for simple stories, like Alpha Protocol.

25 hours is for games that have an epic story to tell and no, not all games have to be epic. Deus ex is here.

50+ hours is for games that are the equivalent of the lord of the rings trilogy. Sure they are awesome, but with so much time, they better not suck. Skyrim is here and i don't like it.

For me, there is no sweet spot. It's all about what the game has to say and show with it's gameplay.

Good answer.
Also in a long game you tend to forget where you came from. At the end of Area 51, did anyone really remember that you were an agent of UNATCO once, that you had dreams about working there and Bob Page corrupted it? That's the kind of problems that a very long game creates
? Why would you forget? If the game is awesome you should remember.

Ps: Trying to make the game bigger, just to say that your game is big = BAAAAAAAAAD
Having a lot of things to say and show and you get a big game = GOOOOOOOOOOD
Top one is Skyrim, bottom is Deus Ex, right? Agreed.
What alpha protocol did = ALSO GOOOOOOOOOD
Nooooo! :P

Wait, what did it do? What am I missing?

Re: Rumour: Disney Is Closing Warren Spector’s Junction Poin

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:28 pm
by bobby 55
Personally the length of a game matters not. I played the 4.5 hours of Medal of Honour and it was absolute crap. I found it easy to play Skyrim for 100 hours, not so much for the story but all the other stuff that allowed to me to lose myself in it's world. I work and have a social life as well as enjoying games. If a game is engaging enough then playing it for 6 hours or 200 hours ( probably a month) doesn't lessen the quality of the entertainment.