What are you playing?

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

gamer0004 wrote:Haha that's quite extraordinary.
What is? The amount of time I dedicate to gaming? :teeth:

It's the same with my mod. It may have been developed over a short period of time, but it was pretty much non stop work. V2 coming soon!
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by gamer0004 »

I was referring to AgentOrange's post, but that too ;)

Really looking forward to the final release of HDTP, replaying DX and your mod.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by shadowblade34 »

I'm doing well clearing out my backlog. I've completed Red Faction Guerilla and Hard Reset in this last week. That's 15 games out of 190 done now.

Red Faction was a decent game, it was fun just to blow stuff up, but beyond that, there's nothing there. I suppose that's all the game was advertised to be really. As for Hard Reset, I only completed the main story, I don't care for that extra DLC story. I'm glad to have finished that game, it was fun at the beginning however it began to feel like a chore to play by the end.

Now I'm trying to complete Limbo.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by gamer0004 »

Limbo is great I loved it. The art style, the atmosphere. Amazing game. One of the few examples of less is more that actually work.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

I hate "less is more" when it comes to games. Limbo is nothing. You get late 80s early 90s puzzle platformers that are far more interesting. The developers got lucky. The black & white art style was simply a design choice to save money. Must have saved A LOT of money.

How it won awards is beyond me.
Oh wait, I am forgetting that the majority of vid game media are seemingly clueless to the history of gaming.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by DDL »

You know what I love? People posting opinions, ramblings, and often idiotic suppositions as facts.

That's great, that is.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Oh DDL. Must I post "in my opinion" every goddamn post?
The black & white art style was simply a design choice to save money
This is the only part that justifies your response. It's not a fact, yes, but it's highly likely to be true. Indie devs for a start.

Still, I have no proof. So i'll take your criticism. But...idiotic? No.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by gamer0004 »

Cybernetic pig wrote:The developers got lucky. The black & white art style was simply a design choice to save money. Must have saved A LOT of money.
That seems.... a bit of a stretch. I very much doubt black and white is cheaper than colour. After all, it's a game, not a book that needs to be printed.
In general, I like extensive, complex games more than simply ones, but the combination of art and sound made Limbo an excellent experience even if it was rather simple.

@DDL I'm getting tired of people stating that "ooh, it's just your opinion it's not a fact!" Well spotted. Of course, opinions can never be facts, so it's rather unnecessary to add a disclaimer. If you don't want to antagonise yourself it's often a good idea, but it's hardly necessary.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by DDL »

I would argue that getting a greyscale atmosphere that looks and feels right (the way limbo's does) is probably MORE work than just painting the whole thing in garish sega megadrive technicolour. It's almost certainly an artistic choice, because it's fucking limbo.

My problem with your posting is you have an utterly fixed viewpoint of what gaming SHOULD be, and an unshakable belief that you are correct.

Neither of these are true.

It is incredibly easy to express opinions (indeed, I do it all the fucking time), and it's more informative, too: it tells us how you feel. Expressing opinions as facts just makes you look like a dick.


"Limbo is nothing" (opinion expressed as fact, idiotic)
"You get late 80s early 90s puzzle platformers that are far more interesting" (opinion expressed as fact)
"Must have saved A LOT of money." (conjecture, idiotic)
"the majority of vid game media are seemingly clueless to the history of gaming." (opinion, idiotic)


@004: it's just that it's so fucking constant, and so fucking stupid. It's like nails on a chalkboard.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Jonas »

Cybernetic pig wrote:The black & white art style was simply a design choice to save money. Must have saved A LOT of money.
No it wasn't, and no they didn't. The game was in development for 7 years, and if you have no idea what you're talking about, you ought to shut the fuck up.
Jonas Wæver
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Cybernetic pig
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Again with the snobbery.
DDL wrote: "Limbo is nothing" (opinion expressed as fact, idiotic)
If I were to say, "You're a fucking dick, DDL", that would be my opinion. Others may think differently. There is nothing wrong with me expressing my opinion as a fact.
"You get late 80s early 90s puzzle platformers that are far more interesting" (opinion expressed as fact)
Again, merely my opinion. And that is all it is until I specifically state otherwise. You yourself said "Mass Effect is AWESOME". A fucking opinion stated as fact you hypocrite.

I also claimed that Nobuo Uematsu was the greatest game composer of all time in the "game OSTs" thread. It's a fucking opinion, obviously.
"Must have saved A LOT of money." (conjecture, idiotic)
"the majority of vid game media are seemingly clueless to the history of gaming." (opinion, idiotic)
It's what I see. And it's your opinion that my opinion is idiotic. You fucking hypocrite.
Jonas wrote: No it wasn't, and no they didn't. The game was in development for 7 years, and if you have no idea what you're talking about, you ought to shut the fuck up.
I didn't do my research. happens to us all sometimes.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by DDL »

I'll stop being a "snob" when you stop posting objectionable idiocy.

I'll show you how it works, for reference. Take notes.
"Mass effect is awesome. Everything else is shit. Almost everyone has no fucking clue about gaming."
this is objectionable. To me. (opinions lol)
"Mass effect is awesome: you can do this and this and this and hahahah holy shit this and I know not everyone likes bioware's tendency to tell the same fucking story everytime but holy shit am I loving this."
this, by virtue of actually containing context, reference to externalities that may hold differing views in a non-insulting fashion (this is important), liberal use of personal pronouns, and actually providing clarification for why X == awesome....makes it less objectionable, more informative, and generally less dickish. To me. (opinions again HOLY SHIT)

It just really isn't hard to say something like "I didn't like limbo: the black and white art-style looked cheap, and I've played 80s platformers that I enjoyed more. I'm surprised it did so well."

Because then we have a better idea of where you're coming from, rather than just jumping to the conclusion that you're releasing edicts from your hilarious gaming high-horse again.

Of course, it's always possible that you're just unlucky (or lucky?) enough to have the perfect DDL-baiting posting style.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

"Mass effect is awesome. Everything else is shit. Almost everyone has no fucking clue about gaming."
Taking it out of context!
this, by virtue of actually containing context, reference to externalities that may hold differing views in a non-insulting fashion (this is important), liberal use of personal pronouns, and actually providing clarification for why X == awesome....makes it less objectionable, more informative, and generally less dickish. To me.
I did give reason why. One was uninformed, but whatever.

It just really isn't hard to say something like "I didn't like limbo: the black and white art-style looked cheap, and I've played 80s platformers that I enjoyed more. I'm surprised it did so well."
Because then we have a better idea of where you're coming from, rather than just jumping to the conclusion that you're releasing edicts from your hilarious gaming high-horse again.
Perhaps I am just a dick. An evil young man who eats kittens and spams the forums with radish offerings on the side for a laugh?
My douchey opinions were hardly worthy of the exaggerated responses, yes?
Of course, it's always possible that you're just unlucky (or lucky?) enough to have the perfect DDL-baiting posting style.
Both. You are smart, but you too have your fail moments.

And now my turn to educate you, if you believe me to be idiotic at times:

"Never argue with a fool - they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience".

...Or all the other "Never argue with a fool" quotes.

Anyway, i'll keep the douchey behavior in check. My high horse will have to be traded for a Shetland pony to please DDL.
I am being serious. I should have at least researched some on the art style anyway.

I didn't like the game very much at all.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Cybernetic pig »

wikiP wrote: The first goal was to create a specific mood and art style. Jensen wanted to create an aesthetic for the game without resorting to highly detailed three-dimensional models, and instead directed the art towards a minimalistic style to allow the development to focus its attention on the gameplay.
I assumed right-ish. But to allow dev focus on gameplay is respectable. Two man team aswell.
Jonas wrote: No it wasn't, and no they didn't. The game was in development for 7 years, and if you have no idea what you're talking about, you ought to shut the fuck up.
I am tempted to respond this in-depth now, but I lost credibility for the no research thing, so I will shut the fuck up. This time.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Jonas »

Are you aware that I worked quite briefly for Playdead?

Also it wasn't a two man team - it started with two people, but a quick look at the credits is all it takes to see that plenty more people worked on it thoughout those 7 years.
Jonas Wæver
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