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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Strange you haven't studied rhetoric before given it was essentialy the main part of the Media Communication course. (aka the diploma I have). I guess that makes me appreciate my diploma a bit more :D
my experience it tends to turn people into assholes
That is a generalisation. Some of the people who have had to crawl out of the decay of this world have turned into good people, its the others that choose the easy way out that are assholes who stabb people in the back and have no loyalty.
That was a general observation, not directed at you, no worries
Hence my above post. I'm trying to say that Australia is at a point where the devide between rich and poor is becoming greater and greater, in some areas it is a pure contemporary nightmare (aka Elitist and lots of wealthy people that work/study at the universities (who bought their way in)) in the other area it is hell. (a lot of closed down factories, gangs, drugs scattered along the pavement and the countless hookers that patrol the streets.) I live in the wrong side of town, have my whole life. Video games for me is exactly like how Case saw the Matrix in Neuromancer, its an escape from reality. When you live in Dystopia all you can care about is the simulated reality because its more fun and you feel more empowered to do things. If I didn't have a passion for games like that I wouldn't want to work with them so desirably. Frankly I hate the PR side of games, its the side I do have the most trouble with. I'm learning though.

I think what seperates me from most people is my tendancy to over communicate. In mod projects it can be a good thing, in debate/discussion not so good (hence why they give you a timer in Debate... I can never get my argument done in 10:00. :D) Which is strange cause I always struggle with essays.. I'm guessing its because I put more factual information instead of all the emotional crap I spout on the forums :D Call it laziness as I don't really care about loosing an argument here.

Zylon is a hypocrite btw, thats what really annoys me about him. He'll be the one to criticize people's work and not realise that his stuff isn't all that great either. If there was any justice I'd ask everyone here to show the same courtesy that he shows us all the time to him on his forums. If you do that I'd appreciate it. Then he might appreciate the work we do.

What I don't understand is why everyone doesn't realise. I could easily walk out on the Deus Ex community. However I have made some friends here being Kale, Shade, Metche, JC12, Thales, Snipa, Lofa and everyone else I've got on my MSN :D I owe it to them to do a good job. So really I'm working for them and not the community.

With Neuromancer I'm doing it sheerly for political reasons and the feeling I get from doing pure Cyberpunk. I may or may not go commerical with the engine. Though It'd be nice to make some $$ off the resources not related to Neuromancer in anyway.

The issue with HDTP and NV is that there never has been any reward for doing this. I never expected any. But what I did expect is courtesy that people wouldn't complain about things they aren't even paying for. I've donated a lot of my time to voulenteering not just online. (I do a lot of charity work too, I've donated computers and repaired them for free to charities and schools before(schools are the best btw, its fun seeing all the kids enjoying the system you've built)) So don't think I'm some kind of Nazi, because I'm not. I just don't like it when people complain about donations.. This isn't the catholic church you know :P If I'm doing something for free you aren't in a position to demand anything from me or anyone else doing the same.

My nukes are my way of arguing. Basically I try to make everyone sick of the issue so it just goes away :D It works :P hence why I do it :D. Else we'd had brought up the dreaded GW word. :D

(btw my posts are often done for the public's knowledge, hence this is applied not to just Jonas but everyone else that thinks they can make stupid demands. So a lot of it doesn't apply to Jonas rather I'm making an example like I always do)

I'm trying to help you all understand what makes me annoyed at the community so you can avoid doing it in the future. If you have something critical to say about my work (in that it has a flaw) then thats fine.. But I don't tollerate "Why the hell does it look/work this way?! that's stupid" posts. (which Zylon spurts out on everything that is even minorly flawed and not necessary to poke at)

I like the idea of getting things done and out of the way, if there is a problem then we'll come back to it later. This has always been our way of doing things with NV. Everytime Zylon has bitched about something it's gone ignored. Then we go back a few months later and see how things can be improved. I think this system works better than "here's our work.. get your tomatos ready!", this way its "here's our work.. it'll change anyway.. but it looks great still :D"

I'd prefer that we just not release content at all. When people see things they tend to spurt out "OMFG! TEH COLOURS ARE WRONG!" when it is completely different seeing it in real time.

Rest assured all of my work has stayed true to their originals (even with NV) so I don't get how anyone can be so rude to me. (pointing at Zylon)
(though My earlier work didn't.. Eg Fan2, not exactly 100% to the original but still looks great :D, my favs in HDTP are the Subway Control Panel(animated) and the Phone(animated) they were fun to make.)

I'd rather end my posting on a happy note.
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Post by chris the cynic »

Jonas wrote:No I have never lived on the bottom of society, and I sure as hell never plan to; it doesn't strike me as a thing anybody would choose for themselves
If, by some chance, you are interested in this topic there are in fact people who choose to. The book, "The Glass House," is the autobiography of someone whose lived on the streets for much of her life. Her parents were both qualified to work and can and did get jobs when they felt the need but they preferred living at the bottom of society and thus only worked rarely. When the author grew up she found that, in addition to being capable of earning a higher living her mother had at least 1,000,000 US dollars worth of property that could have sold at any time.

She (the mother) chose to live on the streets eating out of dumpsters rather than work and be a member of the middle class or sell property and become rich.

Some people do choose the bottom; I have no idea why.
I'm serious: the world will be a better place for you if you calm down and learn to take jokes
Sorry but I didn't find that funny. I found it offensive.[/quote]
Then you should have said so. You could have just said, "I don't find that funny, I find it offencive."

Why didn't you?

None of this would have happened, the Jonas would have removed the statement and probably apologized, and all would have been right in the world. How is how you chose to respond a superior approach.
Mr_Cyberpunk wrote: Failure to respect me in this community will only result in further delays to my work.
This community has waited years for certain things, that sort of blackmail probably won't get much in terms of results.
It's true, You don't. I have so many other skills that I haven't used on this board, and can't possibly use because they aren't computer based, though some are (the hardware side and electronic side). I am also quite the skilled Analog Artist, I can do life drawing at a professional level. I wish I could show you my stuff but 1. My camera isn't good enough to get the detail and 2. I don't have a scanner big enough to do the job :D because all of my work is A1 in size. My point is that I have tallent in many areas, not just what I've shown you.
And here's the thing, no one claims you don't. No one has said you lack talent, no one has even implied it. So why give us a summary of your skill sets? Why defend an area that has not been attacked?

More to the point, why does this matter? How does telling us you are an artist have any effect on anything. If you had no skills at all Jonas (probably) still would have shown you respect and removed his comment if you had simply said, "I find that offensive." But you did not say that. You made it your, and I quote, "mission," to insult him.

How do you expect to get respect by doing that?
for I time I did get respect here but I really don't understand why things have changed.
Having someone deliver a barb followed by a wink is not indicative of a lack of respect. Also, consider your position in this thread, you responded to a joke you didn't like not by taking higher ground but by throwing insults, ranting, and making threats.

That isn't a way to get people to give you respect.
You've all been too busy playing video games to care.
I've been too busy trying to come up with a way to save a farm (I've thus far failed) and going through college, others have been at school and work. I've also volunteered to help people who can't afford a fucking computer or internet connection. Think about that, you're on the internet, that means you're not exactly on the bottom are you? You aren't starving to death because people only donate food at Christmas time are you?

Prove me wrong, tell me about how you've got access to the internet yet you can't afford food or shelter.
That demands respect else you won't receive it. Do I make myself clear.
Yes, you do. You want to blackmail the entire community into bowing to your whims. If they don't you won't help.
"That isn't funny. Don't be an asshole."
Ah yeah the Tom Cruse approach, An asshole telling and asshole what to do lol.
Given that I was suggesting something you could say I think you just called yourself an asshole. If you are not consider being clearer in your points.
What everyone doesn't realise is that I don't have to be here. I don't have to actively post in these forums.
I think everyone does realize that. No one has to be here. Forums are voluntary. At any time anyone, even the owner, can walk away. That is the way it works and to imply we think otherwise is to imply we are idiots.

No one needs to be here. It isn't our jobs. Furthermore even if it were someone's job to be here, they could quit. That is what makes The Nameless Mod, the HDTP, and every other volunteer thing so impressive. No one is obligated to keep on working, yet people do anyway.
If you all are supposively unified then why would we be fighting over a security pannel?
No one was fighting but you. Even ZB, rude as he was, wasn't really fighting.
To conclude, You guys have no idea how hard it was for me to get where I am today.
And you don't know the journeys we took. That's what the internet is, a place where you can't see the person you're talking to, and can't judge them based on anything other than what they say.

You are being treated as an equal, with the same respect any other person would be given, if you want more than that than I can not help you.
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Post by chris the cynic »

Damn I type slow.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

lol ;) last I checked I'm at 60wpm. I'm probably a lot higher now though.
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Post by Jetsetlemming »

SnipaMasta wrote:
Jetsetlemming wrote:So what advantages of IE over firefox are there, again? :P
When have I ever said there were? I said there's no difference to standard users between the two.
Well, there's still the user interface and support. But anyway, if you have no preference either way, why didn't you just switch to FF instead of telling Kale to get it working in IE? :O
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Post by chris the cynic »

Mr_Cyberpunk wrote:lol ;) last I checked I'm at 60wpm. I'm probably a lot higher now though.
Well it isn't my typing speed really, it is the constant revisions, getting up to get the dog, grabbing a drink on the way, finding something good for background noise, trying to get the starving dog to eat, revising the post, retyping, and then posting after a page has passed in the thread. Then there's the slow typing added to that.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Well, there's still the user interface and support. But anyway, if you have no preference either way, why didn't you just switch to FF instead of telling Kale to get it working in IE?
hahahaha. No Snipa doesn't do that :D
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Post by Master_Kale »

Before I realized it was a road leading back to the castle, I was going to ask why Frankenstein had a rope around one of his neck diodes :lol:
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Post by DaveW »

Jetsetlemming wrote:
SnipaMasta wrote:
Jetsetlemming wrote:So what advantages of IE over firefox are there, again? :P
When have I ever said there were? I said there's no difference to standard users between the two.
Well, there's still the user interface and support. But anyway, if you have no preference either way, why didn't you just switch to FF instead of telling Kale to get it working in IE? :O
What's better about the interface?
And I don't really care about support, I've never had to contact them. And I've already set up stuff with IE7, so I'm not going to start using Firefox just to be with all the 'cool kids' rebelling against Microsoft.
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Post by Jetsetlemming »

Some people prefer the design and appearance over the other. A matter of personal taste. I don't like how the tab area of IE7 is designed compared to FF2, for example. :P I also greatly enjoy the customizable themes and designs of firefox. :D I'm not aware if IE has any comparable feature to the downloadable "Themes" for Firefox.
And for support.... well, notice what happened in this very topic when you brought up IE? :P There's an aggressive backlash in much of the internet geek community against it. Compared to Firefox, which is, generally, REALLY really easy to find people who know all about it if you have a problem with it or want to do something advanced.
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Post by fox »

The point is that you can simply install Firefox alongside with IE. It'd give you the ability to use Kales' paint app till he took the time to optimize it for IE. It costs you nothing except a couple of seconds/minutes and a very small amount of space. :roll:
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Post by DaveW »

Jetset, unless I'm missing something, the tab area is exactly the same -except that in IE you have some stuff to the left of it for the favorites list (a feature I quite like). The only thing different really is the list of quick-favorites, which I do miss a bit. But the drop down thing is nicer. In fact, I don't like either tab system that much now because they've both got close buttons on individual tabs, and I preferred one button to close whatever tab was open. But that got changed in a Firefox update, so any reason to use FF on that basis is gone. Not that it actually makes much difference to me.

Well I don't care if people "backlash" against me for liking something for being what it is and not going "microsoft suxlol" which is probably the majority of Firefox users who know and have tried IE7.

Fox > I already have Firefox installed, for the benefit of showing that there is no difference between them (see above comparison) - but people are saying that Firefox is better despite there being practically no difference to the standard user. That's what this is about.
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Post by Master_Kale »

SnipaMasta wrote:Well I don't care if people "backlash" against me for liking something for being what it is and not going "microsoft suxlol" which is probably the majority of Firefox users who know and have tried IE7...people are saying that Firefox is better despite there being practically no difference to the standard user. That's what this is about.
I hope you don't think I'm one of those "gimme-it-for-free-down-with-M$" Linux fanbois :(

And you're right, the majority of standard users using Windows don't need anything more complex than IE7; for those of us who specialize in something like web design, though, IE7 is inadequate for its lack of at LEAST 99% standards compliance.
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Post by DDL »

SnipaMasta wrote:I don't like either tab system that much now because they've both got close buttons on individual tabs, and I preferred one button to close whatever tab was open.
So true! I hate that! What the hell was wrong with..right click>>close tab?

Now if you have more that say, 30 tabs open*, you pretty much can't click on one without closing it accidentally. :(

*ok, my wiki browsing techniques leave a lot to be should've seen me BEFORE tabbed browsing..
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Post by DaveW »

Master_Kale wrote:I hope you don't think I'm one of those "gimme-it-for-free-down-with-M$" Linux fanbois :(
No, I know you're into web development stuff :) . And for that, I'll be the first to agree Firefox is better because I know there's several plugins available that make it easier, and the standards compliance too.
Last edited by DaveW on Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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