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Is the NFL a competitor with NCAA FB?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:02 am
by ShelHarby
While this board is skewed towards college, do you view the NFL and College ball as competition?

We were discussing that Miami Pitt playing (recorded) on Thanksgiving seemed odd considering Turkey Day historically has been a double header for the NFL.

Saturdays are for the boys, NFL has started on some Thur games, NFL has started encroaching on Saturday games towards the end of the NCAA season over the last decade, FSU LSU did play on Sunday....

Is there a growing shouldering in on the other's "reserved" dates? Do fans care?

Personally, the only NFL game I watch is the Super Bowl, maybe a playoff game here and there, but I will watch college regardless of team if its a good match up.

Interesting. -

Re: Is the NFL a competitor with NCAA FB?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:21 pm
by LeilaniDixon
How do you think has more gorgeous cheerleaders: NFL or college football? I'll watch those who have more of them, lol.

Re: Is the NFL a competitor with NCAA FB?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:07 pm
by KristinaVaughan
Kinda hard to say. The NFL has been creeping into college football's traditional Saturday games, especially toward the end of the season. I don't really see it as competition. College football is my jam. I'll watch any game, any team, any day. But the only NFL game I really care about is the Super Bowl too. And if the NFL starts playing on Saturdays, Thursdays, or even Mondays, it doesn't really matter to me as long as I can watch my college teams play. But, of course, it's always a bonus if the game features some of the hottest NFL cheerleaders. Btw, what cheerleaders do you like the most?

Re: Is the NFL a competitor with NCAA FB?

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:31 pm
by sharonfrankklin
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