Deus Ex Advancement Mod v7 Release

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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by kdawg88 »

I played it a few months ago and thought it was really good. However I'm not sure how much longer your mod will get played since Revision is due for a release soon.
Cybernetic pig
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Cybernetic pig »

kdawg88 wrote:I played it a few months ago and thought it was really good. However I'm not sure how much longer your mod will get played since Revision is due for a release soon.
Go fuck yourself. I've invested so much into this, almost every day working my ass off with nothing in return, and you claim an unproven mod (it has not been released to judgement yet beyond a demo that I'm assuming not too many have played) that has an almost entirely different design focus will make it obsolete...

Revision may very well be excellent. The amount of time they've invested into it it had better be. We shall see. Design direction, not time, is what truly matters in the end, just so you know. Ever heard of Duke Nukem Forever? Not that I am making any assumptions, I'm just waiting 'till they release the damn thing before passing real judgement, despite having an inside look at what they were doing in the past. I always said I'll have to experience it in-game as a continuous experience before passing real judgement.

Anyhow, it could never make GMDX obsolete. GMDX significantly improves AI now, you'll see upon v7's release. It adds many code-based details. It has a strict LGS-inspired Immersive Sim design focus. Expanded RPG systems. Audio design. And so on. All things that Revision does not do, it does other things.
The insane effort I've put into this non-profit project, there's been new release every 2 months or so. Voluntary crunching, sleep, code, no sleep, more code. No fucking life. CyberP dev time is the opposite of Valve time.
The only thing that will make GMDX obsolete is most Deus Ex fan's continuing lack of support for it despite a MOTY award, stellar reviews and my frequent calls for help. Get out of here with your presumptuous bullshit.

Also, apologies if that was an overreaction to what was likely an innocent enough comment, but it translates to "The past 2+ years of insane effort, a labour of love, will be for naught once Revision is released despite being two very different projects!"
Cybernetic pig
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Obsolete he implies. Ha.

Oh look, I dropped something:

Code: Select all

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NextBeltItem()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

exec function NextBeltItem()
	local DeusExRootWindow root;
	local int slot, startSlot;

	if (RestrictInput())

	if (CarriedDecoration == None)
		slot = 0;
		root = DeusExRootWindow(rootWindow);
		if (root != None)
		    if (inHand == None)
	            slot = SlotMem-1;
			else if (ClientInHandPending != None)
				slot = ClientInHandPending.beltPos;
			else if (inHandPending != None)
				slot = inHandPending.beltPos;
			else if (inHand != None)
				slot = inHand.beltPos;

            startSlot = slot;

				if (++slot >= 10)
					slot = 0;
			until (root.ActivateObjectInBelt(slot) || (startSlot == slot));

			clientInHandPending = root.hud.belt.GetObjectFromBelt(slot);

            switch( inHandPending.beltPos )
		case 1:SlotMem = 1;break;
        case 2:SlotMem = 2;break;
        case 3:SlotMem = 3;break;
		case 4:SlotMem = 4;break;
		case 5:SlotMem = 5;break;
		case 6:SlotMem = 6;break;
        case 7:SlotMem = 7;break;
		case 8:SlotMem = 8;break;
		case 9:SlotMem = 9;break;
		default:SlotMem = 0;break;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PrevBeltItem()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

exec function PrevBeltItem()
	local DeusExRootWindow root;
	local int slot, startSlot;

	if (RestrictInput())

	if (CarriedDecoration == None)
		slot = 1;
		root = DeusExRootWindow(rootWindow);
		if (root != None)
		    if (inHand == none)
		        slot = SlotMem+1;
			else if (ClientInHandPending != None)
				slot = ClientInHandPending.beltPos;
			else  if (inHandPending != None)
				slot = inHandPending.beltPos;
			else if (inHand != None)
				slot = inHand.beltPos;

			startSlot = slot;
				if (--slot <= -1)
					slot = 9;
			until (root.ActivateObjectInBelt(slot) || (startSlot == slot));

			clientInHandPending = root.hud.belt.GetObjectFromBelt(slot);
			switch( inHandPending.beltPos )
		case 1:SlotMem = 1;break;
        case 2:SlotMem = 2;break;
        case 3:SlotMem = 3;break;
		case 4:SlotMem = 4;break;
		case 5:SlotMem = 5;break;
		case 6:SlotMem = 6;break;
        case 7:SlotMem = 7;break;
		case 8:SlotMem = 8;break;
		case 9:SlotMem = 9;break;
		default:SlotMem = 0;break;
I'm assuming the majority of you use a mouse with Deus Ex, and use the mouse wheel to switch weapons/navigate the toolbelt more regularly than you use hotkeys.
You may have noticed that every fucking time you holster your weapon, then use the wheel again to re-equip a weapon, you are reset back to slot one. Well no more: this code remembers the positioning of your belt slot after you holster your weapon.
Objective core design advancements such as this happen almost every day and they can never be obsoleted.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by bjorn98009_91 »

That's some good stuff :)
Producer and Quality Assurance Manager for Deus Ex: Revision.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by kdawg88 »

Cybernetic pig wrote:
kdawg88 wrote:I played it a few months ago and thought it was really good. However I'm not sure how much longer your mod will get played since Revision is due for a release soon.
Go fuck yourself. I've invested so much into this, almost every day working my ass off with nothing in return, and you claim an unproven mod (it has not been released to judgement yet beyond a demo that I'm assuming not too many have played) that has an almost entirely different design focus will make it obsolete...

Revision may very well be excellent. The amount of time they've invested into it it had better be. We shall see. Design direction, not time, is what truly matters in the end, just so you know. Ever heard of Duke Nukem Forever? Not that I am making any assumptions, I'm just waiting 'till they release the damn thing before passing real judgement, despite having an inside look at what they were doing in the past. I always said I'll have to experience it in-game as a continuous experience before passing real judgement.

Anyhow, it could never make GMDX obsolete. GMDX significantly improves AI now, you'll see upon v7's release. It adds many code-based details. It has a strict LGS-inspired Immersive Sim design focus. Expanded RPG systems. Audio design. And so on. All things that Revision does not do, it does other things.
The insane effort I've put into this non-profit project, there's been new release every 2 months or so. Voluntary crunching, sleep, code, no sleep, more code. No fucking life. CyberP dev time is the opposite of Valve time.
The only thing that will make GMDX obsolete is most Deus Ex fan's continuing lack of support for it despite a MOTY award, stellar reviews and my frequent calls for help. Get out of here with your presumptuous bullshit.

Also, apologies if that was an overreaction to what was likely an innocent enough comment, but it translates to "The past 2+ years of insane effort, a labour of love, will be for naught once Revision is released despite being two very different projects!"
Don't shoot the messenger. It's not a question of it making your mod obsolete, it's whether or not people will actually play it. No offense taken, I actually just don't like to see a good mod lose out to another which seems more interesting on the surface.
Cybernetic pig
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Cybernetic pig »

kdawg88 wrote: Don't shoot the messenger.

Perhaps I'll opt for a non-lethal takedown 8)
which seems more interesting on the surface.
You're entitled to your opinion, is all I can really say to that.

Good luck to the Revision team, let us hope they have done Deus Ex's level design and soundtrack justice, preferably one-upping them even. As a complete re-imagining of both there will probably be a lot of unavoidable criticism no matter how good it is, however.
Let us just see what the future holds! I can tell you GMDX has a bright future in terms of content produced, if you liked the earlier version of the mod you played. It is evolving at a rapid pace. In terms of popularity however, I cannot say. At this rate I'm not hopeful. I'm giving it my all and have produced a content-packed mod at this point, have won an award and so on, so realistically it should have a strong enough following, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
I only really give a shit because I want potential contributors to cover fields I am not skilled in (variations of digital artistry mainly), and to have testers lining up at my doors for whenever I need them. I've got my award and my consistently high-praising reviews, so I'm pretty happy regarding reception.

The thing that makes GMDX special, I believe, is that I attempt to stay true to the legendary Looking Glass concept titled the "Immersive Sim", and simultaneously advance this concept through the mod one small step at a time, also with my own unique design bias blending in a little spice. Also design synergy: it all works in unison, and with the original vision/design as intended. I suppose I could add additional gameplay depth as another special accolade, as Deus Ex was always deep and this drills further.
You too should save final judgement for when I am done, because I think I am on to something here.
If I'll be done following the release of v7 I don't know. I'm content with it, but as I said there are fields that need covering, and also some remaining ideas worth exploring. In this time more solid ideas are bound to come to me such as the one presented in the post above.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by DDL »

I feel I should point out that nobody "owes" you anything. You should be doing this because it's enormously fun and personally satisfying.

If you break your back working late coding features, you should be doing this because THIS IS WHAT YOU ENJOY.
If you're doing it because you feel you should then get masses of praise and plaudits from an adoring, grateful audience (to the extent that you're going to tell people to go fuck themselves if they're not immediately forthcoming with such praise), then frankly, you're doing it for the wrong reasons, and you're probably gonna have a bad time.

"I've invested so much into this, almost every day working my ass off with nothing in return"
should be viewed in the same way one might view someone saying
"I've invested so much into playing skyrim, almost every day working my ass off with nothing in return but the hours of fun playing skyrim"
It's not a job, it's not a commission, nobody asked you to do this so nobody is being ungrateful when you DO do it. It's a hobby you should be doing because you enjoy it. If it feels like a job, and an unrewarding job at that, then stop. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and return if and when you feel like it's fun again.

Chill. Just...chill.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Cybernetic pig »

I think you misinterpreted what I said. Nearly all of it, in fact.

I only pointed out my investments without monetary reward ("I've invested so much into this, almost every day working my ass off with nothing in return") as a means of showing what the mod means to me & justifying why I was so offended.
If this was a for-profit project I wouldn't give a shit about his predictions, but because it is a personal labor of love he got an emotional response.

"If you're doing it because you feel you should then get masses of praise and plaudits from an adoring, grateful audience,."

This really isn't implied at all. The opposite is stated in fact when I mention I only desire support (read: support, that doesn't have to entail adoration or praise) to help make the mod bigger and better. I've already received plenty praise and adoration, no short supply there!

"(to the extent that you're going to tell people to go fuck themselves if they're not immediately forthcoming with such praise)"

In the very post I took offense to Kdawg typed "I really enjoyed it", so I have no idea how you've misinterpreted this sillyness going on in here to this extent.

If it wasn't clear enough, I got pissed off at Kdawg for putting an unreleased mod on some pedestal that he believes will make all my work obsolete (if *nobody* is playing GMDX as he predicts, then all my efforts would have much less meaning, leaving only the satisfaction that I do of course get out of making it).
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by DDL »

Then the response should've been along the lines of:
Yeah, maybe, maybe not, but hey. Anyway, I'm gonna keep working on GMDX because it's fun.

It's not a contest, and it's not zero-sum game.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Cybernetic pig »

DDL wrote: It's not a contest, and it's not zero-sum game.
This isn't just a hobby for me, it is a deep passion. That is why you witnessed a response of this kind.

"It's not a job, it's not a commission, nobody asked you to do this so nobody is being ungrateful when you DO do it. It's a hobby you should be doing because you enjoy it. If it feels like a job, and an unrewarding job at that, then stop"

It does at times feel like a job despite all of the passion simply because of the hours invested. As I said, no life.
It does at times feel unrewarding when people make predictions of all that effort and passion being obsolete.
It does at times feel unrewarding due to a lack of support existing even though just about every other ambitious mod I have witnessed people flock to offering up their services.
I'm not stepping back regardless.

It is very frustrating when I have a creative vision that cannot truly be fulfilled without teamwork, teamwork that is out of reach; I call for help and am ignored. There's no sense of obligation though, and nor has this ever been implied. I'm just disappointed.
You yourself are in a similar position: you've been left to finish a huge project on your lonesome, and it cannot be finished alone. Difference is I'm not even sure you want it to be finished, because I've never seen you call for help.
Hobby for you a few hours a week, something far more for me.
DDL wrote:Then the response should've been along the lines of:
Yeah, maybe, maybe not, but hey. Anyway, I'm gonna keep working on GMDX because it's fun.
Cannot disagree there. I was hurt and reacted like an emotional little bitch. I have my reasons for frustration, but that is no excuse for a lack of professionalism or maturity.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Did I mention I cannot even release the latest version of GMDX because I have no testers?
Well, I have one now, after somewhat of a wait. At the time of the above sillyness however I had none, so that probably added to the frustration.

The majority of the Deus Ex community is ignoring this, and a mod needs its community. That is primarily where my frustration stems from.
"Award-winning mod left to rot by it's target audience."

Again, no sense of obligation, only disappointment.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by bjorn98009_91 »

The majority of the Deus Ex community is ignoring this
The majority of the Deus Ex community is dead I'd say.
Producer and Quality Assurance Manager for Deus Ex: Revision.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Cybernetic pig »

We'll see. The press are going to cover Revision extensively, and Kdawg's prediction will probably become true. You'll have surpassed GMDX's total download count in a week.

You deserve that support, but GMDX needs help too.

Cheers for the link to GMDX on your website by the way, certainly helps! The more people that play it the higher chances of people wanting to contribute show up.
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by bjorn98009_91 »

Well the modding community is pretty much dead, at least over here. The press coverage of Revision I think is partially based on misconceptions, that we bring new hi-res meshes and textures. We've tried to clarify that we are only bundling New Vision and HDTP cause we want the players to have the best possible experience, and that we are a mod to bring more details in the maps. People don't seem to get that all of the time, including the press.
Cybernetic pig wrote:Cheers for the link to GMDX on your website by the way, certainly helps! The more people that play it the higher chances of people wanting to contribute show up.
No problem, we want you to succeed as well. :)
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Re: GMDX Advancement Mod v6.2 Release

Post by Jaedar »

I would say revision is synergistic with GMDX. Attention to one will invariably bring attention to the other.

I know I certainly started trying lots of other DX mods after playing TNM.
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