Coming Soon....

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Cybernetic pig
Posts: 2284
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Coming Soon....

Post by Cybernetic pig »

GMDX: HDTP Compatible gameplay, challenge & general improvements mod.
Last edited by Cybernetic pig on Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
Cybernetic pig
Posts: 2284
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Re: Coming Soon....

Post by Cybernetic pig »

GMDX Extended Showcase:

Those who watched the earlier upload and are interested: It is advised that you watch again from the beginning as there was some features on show that I failed to point out.

Final release 16th of July.
Posts: 517
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Re: Coming Soon....

Post by Hashi »

interesting, what mods will this be compatible with?
Cybernetic pig
Posts: 2284
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Re: Coming Soon....

Post by Cybernetic pig »

HDTP & New Vision.

In fact HDTP is a requirement, so that's the main reason the final release announcement is nested in the subforum here.
Cybernetic pig
Posts: 2284
Joined: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:21 am

Re: Coming Soon....

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Most of the features of the mod listed below:

Released shortly.
Give Me Deus Ex User's Manual.

A gameplay, difficulty and general improvements mod.
The design principles adhered to during development were to stay true to the original design,
only set to re-balance & expand on it.

Lead design by CyberP
Programming by Dasraiser

User's Manual Written by CyberP (let me know of misinformation & Typos, whatever).


1. Install the recent (2012) beta of 'HDTP' and make sure it is working.
Download HDTP at httpwww.offtopicproductions.comforumviewtopic.phpf=9&t=11566
Note you need to first Download the HDTP demo, then run the game once, THEN install the recent HDTPbeta.

2. Extract the contents of the Maps folder to DeusEx\Maps and replace all.
If you are using the New Vision graphics mod (recommended as GMDX was designed with it, but it's
optional) then extract to DeusEx\NewVision\Maps instead. Replace all.

3. Extract the contents of the Music folder to DeusEx\Music.

4. Place DeusEx.u, Models.u & the GMDX file into DeusEx\HDTP\System and replace.
Place into DeusEx\System & replace.
Note: click on the two DeusEx files to find out which is which.


GMDX is compatible with HDTP and New Vision ONLY.

For those unfamiliar with mods follow the installation guide found here:

That said, GMDX is designed for experienced players. Deus Ex newbies should take the graphics or
bug fix mods only (check for compatibility before starting installation of any mods).

You have to start a new game.

Note you must disable the HDTP skins of MJ12 Troops as they cause crashing, HDTP is still in beta phase.
To do this: When you start a new game, press esc--> options --> HDTPsettings --> custom --> MJ12=False.

Look for a Give Me Deus Ex Bonus of 1000 Skill points recieved just after Jacobsons first transmission
as indication GMDX is installed. There will also be other small but noticable differences on the docks.

Those who are interested in the mod but are not prepared for a challenge then do not fear as there
is still easy, normal, hard and realistic difficulty settings. Hardcore mode is recommended though.

|| GMDX feature list: ||


General weapon changes:

-More weapon modding options
-heavy weapons take up 6 inventory slots instead of 8,
-more recoil for most.
-Unsilenced weapons are noisier and will alert those in the immediate area.
-Firing a semi-automatic weapon requires individual mouse clicks to simulate pulling the trigger each
time and because it requires more skill. vanilla if you held down fire a pistol would fire like
an automatic weapon for example.
-Less ammo to be found for all.
-Hit trace weapons give a smoke effect when hitting a wall; this just looks much better and also is
useful to see weapon spread/accuracy clearly.
-Scope toggle is no longer restricted by rate of fire and doesn't automatically zoom back in after reloading.
-turning laser on disables crosshair, turning it off again enables crosshair.

Pistol/Glock: The starting firearm. Outclassed by the two unique variants of the weapon (Silenced
Glock & Smuggler's Custom Glock) as well as the Stealth Pistol. Vanilla stats. The only redundant firearm.

Silenced Glock (extends vanilla glock): Very high damage (for a pistol), very low accurate range,
has silencer.

Custom Glock (extends vanilla glock): high Damage, High Clip Size, High rate of fire. low accurate

Stealth Pistol: Increased rate of fire, Increased Damage, Increased clip size, less accurate range.

Riot Prod: Slightly increased damage and range, barely noticable. Clip Size=2, but can have reload speed and clip size

Baton: Increased damage. You will need to "upgrade" the baton via various damage increasing methods
to K.O tougher AI late in the game in one strike.

Mini Xbow: Increased damage. Can now silently take down enemies at range easier. Can also have clip
size mods but starts with 3 bolts per clip.

Assault Gun: Can now have Scope, Cannot have accurate range (didn't do anything), increased damage.
increased clip size.

UMP762c: New weapon. rivals the assault gun. better in ways, others not so much. Assault gun is
the better weapon overall but the UMP45c only takes up 3 inventory slots, among other things.
Note pistol skill governs the UMP's stats.
("Universale Maschinenpistole", German for "Universal Machine Pistol") it's actually a sub-machine
gun technically but balance wins here.

Assault Shotgun: Increased damage. Can have range mods.

Sawn-off shotgun: Increased damage. Can have range mods.

Sniper Rifle: Increased damage.

Custom Sniper Rifle (extends sniper rifle): Lowered damage, faster rate of fire, high recoil,
low accurate range, cannot be silenced. Damage per second is insane but it has a lot of downsides.
Has a custom skin.

Plasma Rifle: Increased damage. Upgrading with range mods increases projectile speed.
Increased projectile light radius (it just looks cool).

GEP gun: No lock-on targeting. As cool as it was we don't want it. Damage lowered. Upgrading with
range mods increases projectile speed. Can have laser mod.

Flamethrower: Upgrading with range mods actually increases range now.

LAW: These I WIN! launchers are much rarer now.

Throwing Knifes: Increased damage, increased speed, increased carrying capacity, much more common.
Upgrade low-tech to become a throwing knife ninja.

Crowbar, Combat Knife & Sword: Increased damage, though still the redundant melee weapons 'cept maybe
the sword.

Dragons tooth Sword: Lowered damage. increased range.
Hopefully it should actually be balanced now though whilst still giving the sense of
"the ultimate sword".

Note some damage increases and some other stats apply to weapons enemies use too.



note: Some augs made passive/always active, mostly in the name of a balanced aug system.
4 passive in total.

Microfibral Muscle (Passive): Right click to drop, left click to throw. Deal damage to enemies
based on mass, velocity, aug level & hit location. A very fun aug with a lot of depth to it's systems.
Also should be noted that if you KO a MIB/WIB you can use their corpse as a explosive grenade
by throwing them at higher aug levels.

Combat Strength (Passive): Passive to balance out against new & improved Microfibral muscle. May add EMP damage too.


Regeneration: Faster energy drain, Less health gained per 2 seconds (it cycled every 1 second vanilla).

Energy Shield (Passive): Made passive to be a worthy choice over regeneration.
Regeneration may arguably be better overall but don't underestimate this aug now it's passive.
It protects against the damage types 'Explosive', 'Plasma' and 'burnt' up to 80%. Very handy.


Ballistic Protection: Reduced protection values to 20% 30% 40% 50%

EMP Shield (Passive): Made passive to rival Ballistic protection. values of 25% 50% 75% 100% (EMP
Damage is a far rarer damage type than ballistics, it was mostly worthless for stealth playstyles too).


Spy Drone: Reduced Bioenergy costs.

Aggressive Defense System: No longer detonates Plasma Bolts & Proximity mines.


Cloak: Player can visually see JC turning invisible/transparent. A very cool visual effect that
should have been in the game vanilla.

Radar Transparency: Unfortunately this has no visible effect because logically it would not:
"Radar-absorbant resin augments epithelial; microprojection units distort agent's visual signature.
Provides highly effective concealment from automated detection systems -- bots, cameras, turrets".


Run Silent: Lowered BE costs. Do not ever take this aug it's completely worthless as many are aware.
Speed Enhancement is the one you want. Something may be done for this aug at a later date maybe.


Synthetic heart: Lowered Bioelectric energy costs.

The other augs (AquaLung, Environmental Resistance, speed enhancement, Power Recirculator,
Vision Enhancement, Targeting & light) are left untouched for they are perfect as
they are.



-Disables manual saving, enables save points and map transition autosave.
-Cycles through 10 save slots (# of slots can be increased via user.ini).
-Disables weapon auto reloading.
-Disables console commands/cheats.
-Choose the hardcore option from the new game screen.
-If hardcore is not chosen save points will not appear and quicksave is enabled.

This system unlocks Deus Ex's true potential in terms of choice and consequence, challenge and balance.
No crying about wanting your challenge-preventing quicksaves, 'realistic' difficulty is for you
in that case.



Universal AI alterations:

-Faster Reload Speed.
-Further view & hearing range as well as larger FOV (all still not even close to a real humans senses,
peripheral etc, but more challenging and give the enemy a fighting chance ;)).
-Longer Cooldown times.
-Faster Yaw Rotation Speed (makes pawns turning on the spot slightly more convincing)
-Slightly better accuracy.
-Max # of provocations lowered across the board. Shoot them they actually react, commit a crime they
actually react (still no reaction to petty theft unfortunately, but more for breaking and entering).
-Many other miscellaneous changes in behavior and reactions.
-Increased range at which they can open fire.
-Lowered the chances of an enemy running off scared when damaged.
-More of them to kill, KO, avoid, trick or destroy in most maps.

AI Unique to a class changes:

Security Bot 3: Faster Movement Speed.
Doberman: Faster Movement speed and higher attack damage
MilitaryBot: Slightly faster Movement Speed and HDTP-related bugs fixed.
MJ12 Commando: New Death and footstep sounds, lowered damage.
NSF: New female type.
Simons: Increased health.
Turrets and cameras: Increased range. Lowered Hack Strength for both significantly. Cameras spot
corpses and sound an alarm.
Greasels: Increased spit range.
Karkians & baby Karkians: Increased health and movement speed.
Gray: Increased health and movement speed, cannot be set on fire.
Civilians: Some attack if threatened, others cower rather than running laps around the map and into
walls, some others may flee the area for good and much more.

New AI Types (encountered late in the game):

MJ12 Elite: Use cloak, have increased health & a new look.
Military Bot (MJ12/Area51 variant): New Look, super durable.
MIB/WIB MkII: Increased health, speed enhancement, holds two-handed weapons one-handed, never drop their
weapon & cannot be set on fire, though fire still hurts them.



Note: Anything not mentioned regarding the skill system remains vanilla.

Heavy Weapons: Lowered cost.

Pistols: Lowered cost (Note: new UMP762c is governed by pistols skill)

Rifles: N/A (see weapons section above for stuff related to weapons skills)

Low-Tech: Lowered cost.

Lockpicking: Less lockpicks to be found. Lowered effectiveness per pick. Altered mover values and
new locked movers (movers are doors).
Lowered skill costs.
Values per skill level= 5%, 10%, 15%, 30%. note the significantly large final jump, an investment bonus
just like the weapons skills have vanilla.

Tech: Same as above. You WILL need to upgrade these if you want to loot everything.

Demolitions: Lowered detonation time & increased proximity radius for enemy-placed mines.
More enemy placed proximity mines in the map.
Proxy mines detonation timer per skill level= 0.5 seconds, 1, 1.5, 3 (significant jump/investment bonus as above).

Environmental Training: Upgrade to stack suits in inventory. Ballistic vest lasts longer but provide reduced
protection (50%). More dangerous hazards to encounter. Lowered costs.

Medical: Small max health bonus to head and torso per upgrade. Use a medkit at advanced and master to
nullify poisoned effect. Raised costs.

Computers: Trained: 50% chance of initial detection. Advanced: 25% chance. Master: 0%. Also very
costly initially but descending costs: this matches it's perks of which usefulness degrades each
upgrade. heh.

Swimming: Swimming is almost a requirement to swim in most instances (there is still plenty of
small bodies of water as well as the aqualung aug) and because of this actually has some worth now.
Drowning damage increased and blurry vision effect whilst drowning. No rebreathers, level design
alterations with swimming in mind, untrained swim value lowered:
0.7, 1, 1.5, 2.5 (significant jump/investment bonus)

Note there may be a few lowered costs but you still cannot have all the skills in one playthrough,
not even half of them. Choose your skills wisely.



-Lean addition (tiptoes/over cover from crouch). Press and hold Q+E simultaneously to lean up.
-Medbots and repairbots can only be used twice each (not including installing augs).
-New music to replace repeated music for some maps. All of the OST is still in the game, every single track.
-Double right click to pick up a corpse that has items in it's inventory. vanilla you had to take the items first.
-JC Grunts less frequently when jumping and also has a unique grunt for throwing with microfibral Muscle.
-Drag&Drop inventory system a la System Shock. Drag an item out of your inventory then release to drop to the floor.
-Option to bypass loading the new game intro scene. Toggle in main menu. Useful for old machines.
-better inventory items descriptions (for non .INT users, rename the .INT file in this package (localisation file)
to your local version (example for German users: German localisation file is .det,
rename the .int file in this package to .det and overwrite your .det. Only if you understand
the English language (need confirmation that this actually works, but should)).
The .int file is needed for many things including the inventory descriptions and displaying which
augs are passive or not but it is optional to install the .int file.



Maps have been worked over on a large scale, but are not comparable to the 'Revision' mod.
The goal was to improve them with better texture alignments (designed with New Vision in mind),
balance of paths, better events, small map expansions, bug fixes, and small changes in the interest of
The map changes are not detailed in-depth for spoiler reasons. There is no need to know other than
this quick summary. Besides, detailing all changes would be a impossible task.



-Multitool & Lockpick glitch fixed, you can no longer open anything with one tool/pick.
-Skillpoints glitches fixed, vandenberg and sub base as well as the pistol downgrade trick.
-New game inventory bug fixed.
-Fixed HDTP MilBot walksound/shake bug and also the Chinese variant skin.
-Paul disappearing from the ton glitch fixed.
-various map bugs as well as BSP issues.


-This is Deus Ex; choice is your weapon. If one way isn't doing it for you then try another.
-Don't expect to be able to have everything. Choice and consequence is improved in the gameplay. One thing
left untouched is the narrative so no additional C&C there but it's close to perfection vanilla anyway.
-A hybrid playstyle of Stealth and combat is recommended. For Non-lethal-only players, be sure to upgrade
low-tech skill, Combat strength and/or targeting aug for a damage bonus to the baton so you can K.O
tougher enemies late in the game in one strike. You cannot just stick with the prod the whole game,
though you can upgrade it ;)
-Use your head. That is all.

|| Additional work/assets credits: ||

DDL (Permission to Build GMDX on top of 'HDTP' & Misc. assistance).
Oleg Gelo (creator of additional music, pinched from the fantastic Deus Ex TC '2027')
Bjorn98009_91 (Misc. assistance)
G-Flex (Misc assistance & misc. adapted code from his mod 'Human Renovation')
eshkrm (snippets of code adapted from his personal mod 'Deus Ex plus').
Y|Yukichigai (Snippets of code taken from his mod 'Shifter')
Clyzsm & FastGamerr (UMP45 adapted from the recent TC 'Nihilum').
Fox, DDentonas, SpecX, Bobby55, Marcelo (playtesting).
Last but certainly not least: Ion Storm. Still more than relevant 13 years on.

The real thanks goes to my modding partner Dasraiser, huge thanks to you for without you joining the
project this mod wouldn't be anywhere near the level of quality it is currently at and my vision for
a better Deus Ex wouldn't have materialized. Thanks, friend.

Phew. 10 months of non-stop work and now it's finally complete. Deus Ex with improved gameplay,
graphics and misc. all compatible. A grand achievement this project has been for me personally.


GMDX's unique content is shared under the following copyright license:

Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

You are free:
to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work
to Remix — to adapt the work

Under the following conditions:

Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

Assets used from other mods as well as Deus Ex itself belongs to their respective copyright owners and
operate under their own licenses. Blah blah blah.
Any new modders about? (I doubt it) consider building on top of GMDX. GMDX itself is built on top
of HDTP so it will essentially be three mods in one as well as having New Vision compatibilty.
Just ask permission and give us credit as well as noting the assets used from other mods as above.
Depending on your vision for the work don't be surprised if you get turned down though. It shouldn't
come to that, but "Deus Ex: Give me my little ponies" is one instance where you will be
told....for example.
I recommend higher standards of artificial intelligence, most notably pathfinding, though good luck
with that.

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Re: Coming Soon....

Post by sew3 »

Swimming stimulates blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function and mental clarity poolnoodles. The rhythmic breathing and focus required during swimming can also improve concentration and mindfulness.
Mole Person
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Re: Coming Soon....

Post by lisabonet24 »

Frequent updates and new features in io games keep the gameplay fresh and engaging.
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