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Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:17 am
by Mr_Cyberpunk
i've been thinking about animating textures. With the signs in the game, it would be really cool if I animated them, because it'd feel more like Blade Runner.

With things like the ATM, Infoterminals and even Datacubes, there should be like a Screensaver running on them. And it'd be cool if on computer screens we could see FMVs or something running on their desktops.

is that feasible?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:20 am
by Jonas
According to Vavrek, former PR manager of GitM when it was still a DX mod, Randomatic managed to rip some code out of the playerclass for Rune with which he made the player cast dynamic shadows in GitM.

The problems are thus: 1) Randomatic is currently unavailable; 2) GitM was supposed to have been in third person perspective, it might look stupid casting a dynamic shadow in first person when you can't see your legs...; 3) We don't know if it would damage the framerate; 4) We have no reason to think this could work on any other character than the player.

But I guess it's worth looking into. If you can somehow get a hold of Randomatic.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:53 pm
by Vavrek
First, when did I ever mention Rune? Second, GitM wasn't third person perspective, that's just how all our screenshots were. Third, rando's on MSN regularly. Fourth, if I remember right, it was just something that was used for the various characters, not Thelonious exclusively.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:57 pm
by metche_steele
Vavrek wrote:First, when did I ever mention Rune? Second, GitM wasn't third person perspective, that's just how all our screenshots were. Third, rando's on MSN regularly. Fourth, if I remember right, it was just something that was used for the various characters, not Thelonious exclusively.
Do you think you could put him and Jonas in contact? Id do it personally but id be talking my arse in terms of tech issues, so Jonas is a far better candidate - thats if he doesnt mind :)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:52 pm
by Jonas
I think I'll forward this to Trestkon, actually. He's in more or less the same time zone as Random. And I do recall you mentioned Rune! I also recall you mentioned it was only for the main character. But I've been known to recall wrong before <_<

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:12 am
by Vavrek
Yeah, the Rune thing does sound somewhat familiar. But I asked "When", I didn't state "I never said..." What I'm asking is for you to find the newsposts on the GitM and/or GITMWorld websites to show to me, as I can't remember diddly! As for rando, it ain't hard to contact him. Bug me sometime and I'll give you his MSN address. I don't feel like posting it to a semi-public forum.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:19 am
by Jonas
Vavrek wrote:What I'm asking is for you to find the newsposts on the GitM and/or GITMWorld websites to show to me, as I can't remember diddly!
It was on MSN. I don't have the logs anymore, too many formats in the mean time.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:12 am
by metche_steele
Ive downloaded the rain mod for DX - smokes - im going to try it out this weekend because it looks wicked. Im wondering, if I think the rain mod is fantastic and isnt laggy, maybe we should contact smoke and ask him if he would like to include his mod in a download of our mod perhaps?

I can guarentee that the vast majority who will download HDTP wont have even concieved a rain mod is possible!

Thoughts gentlemen?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:40 am
by DDL
Well, it's open sourced, it'll be in TNM, and smoke seems sound, so I can't forsee any problems.

It'd just save people the time of hunting down his post on DXE and downloading it themselves.

How would you incorporate it into HDTP though? It'd require map alterations, unless you wanted to do it by very carefully arranged firstframe spawning..

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:18 pm
by EER
Rain mod? As in rain? The water thing?

If it's optional 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:49 pm
by Trestkon
His rain mod is indeed awesome, but it requires placing nodes inside the actual maps in very precise positions, so I don't think HDTP will be able to include it without massively increasing the download size.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:40 pm
by metche_steele
Trestkon wrote:His rain mod is indeed awesome, but it requires placing nodes inside the actual maps in very precise positions, so I don't think HDTP will be able to include it without massively increasing the download size.
oh damn - I completely didnt consider this - I have no idea why I thought it would just magically work.

Id still like to consider it however - maybe it wont appear on every map of course - itd be depressing to see it rain everywhere lol ...but you know.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:35 pm
by Jonas
I think the game would benefit from some nice rain.

Hm, Shane is working on adding a rain toggle option to the display settings for TNM, if he makes it work, it would definitely be a must for HDTP, so people could switch the rain off if they felt it messed with the game's feel.

And like the Doctor said, you COULD place the rain nodes with a mission script, but eh... it would take some time.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:41 pm
by metche_steele
Jonas wrote:I think the game would benefit from some nice rain.

Hm, Shane is working on adding a rain toggle option to the display settings for TNM, if he makes it work, it would definitely be a must for HDTP, so people could switch the rain off if they felt it messed with the game's feel.

And like the Doctor said, you COULD place the rain nodes with a mission script, but eh... it would take some time.
I really love you guys <3

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:51 pm
by Mr_Cyberpunk
:: Hugs Jonas ::

Great idea that. Except you'll have to pick which levels have it and which dont.

Do you think that you could get Thunder and Lightening to work in the game, i'm sure you could just by making the screen flash at certain times and play a big crashing sound. Cause that'd be cool for the Area 51 scene!!!