So what do I need to learn to be a SEO Expert?

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So what do I need to learn to be a SEO Expert?

Post by CashiWaku »


I am new to the forums here

what should i need to learn to become a SEO expert. I have searched it a lot. it show's two factor OFF page SEO and on page SEO what should i need to learn first
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Re: So what do I need to learn to be a SEO Expert?

Post by NikoDemuse »

Hi! Welcome to the forums! To become an SEO expert, it's great that you're already aware of the two key factors: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. I recommend starting with on-page SEO as it focuses on optimizing your website's content and structure. Once you have a good grasp of on-page SEO, you can then delve into off-page SEO, which involves building backlinks and establishing your website's authority. Happy learning!
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Re: So what do I need to learn to be a SEO Expert?

Post by Devilyaka »

If you're looking to become an SEO expert, you're on the right track by exploring off-page SEO and on-page SEO. To start, I'd recommend focusing on understanding the fundamentals of on-page SEO, such as optimizing meta tags, creating quality content, and improving website structure. Once you feel comfortable with that, you can dive into off-page SEO, which involves building high-quality backlinks to your website. Speaking of backlinks, Viking Links is a term often used to refer to strong and authoritative links. As a newbie myself, I'm still learning too, but feel free to ask any questions or share your progress.
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Re: So what do I need to learn to be a SEO Expert?

Post by Imsickntired »

To become an expert you should learn basics first. Here is a great youtube course to it
Also, later, when you finish course and will start practice, you might wanna consider using these free AI seo tools. As they will definetely help you a lot both at the start and forward.
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Re: So what do I need to learn to be a SEO Expert?

Post by getbacklinks246 »

I've been taking classes and am embarking on a new profession in SEO. Although content marketing is my area of interest, I still haven't made a LinkedIn profile since I'm not sure what to call my expertise. What therefore ought I to say? I have no idea how to carry myself. Some claim that even for a total beginner, SEO isn't that difficult to understand. All you need to do is commit to investing the necessary time and energy.
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