FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

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Cybernetic pig
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FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Why does the Extinguisher spray/particle generator not follow the player's view rotation on the z axis/pitch/up & down?

Code: Select all

// spew halon gas
		rot = Pawn(Owner).ViewRotation;
		loc = Vector(rot) * Owner.CollisionRadius;
		loc.Z += Owner.CollisionHeight * 0.9;
		loc += Owner.Location;
		gen = Spawn(class'ProjectileGenerator', None,, loc, rot);
		if (gen != None)
			gen.ProjectileClass = class'HalonGas';
			gen.LifeSpan = 4;
			gen.ejectSpeed = 320;//300;
			gen.projectileLifeSpan = 1.5; //2.0;
			gen.frequency = 0.3; //0.13;   //CyberP: modded values
			gen.checkTime = 0.03; //0.06;
			gen.bAmbientSound = True;
			gen.DrawScale = 2.0;
			gen.AmbientSound = sound'SteamVent'; 
			gen.SoundVolume = 192;
			gen.SoundPitch = 32;
Should be simple enough. I see no problem here.
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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Hanfling »

Sorry, took the chance to clean up the class a bit for legacy usage in RF yesterday but got caught by other things. However the rotation of the ProjectileGenerator is smagically updated (i guess by setting base in FireExtinguisher). However this seems to copy over the Rotation of the PlayerPawn and not the ViewRotation. I have not yet tested the code, added some other cleanups and comments, however see if it works, if not, the comments should give you a heads up whats happening there (and why this shit is in dire need for a rewrite from scratch). So any feedback is appreciated.

Code: Select all

// RevisionProjectileGenerator.
// Cybernetic pig: Why does the Extinguisher spray/particle generator
//                 not follow the player's view rotation on the z axis/pitch/up & down?
// General Note:   FireExtinguisher should be a Weapon and spawn the shit itself,
//                 so don't worry that much about this class as it gets rewritten anyway.
//                 The current form sucks in network anyway.
//  * Each part of code should have it's own ProjectileGenerator generator subclass 
//    with the right settings in defaultprops, so these don't need to get replicated,
//    which often fails and also this step cleans up code.
//    (although I have to admit that igniting yourself with the fire extinguisher in
//     network play is pretty much the best bug ever).
//  * Make the same move as in HX to make an own native Effects baseclass which extends Actor,
//    so it can be native, and i can use GetOptimizedRepList() to replicate the rotation
//    even if DrawType==DT_Sprite.
//  * Use or add an Unreal Timer event like SpeechTimer() and let C++ handle check
//    when it is called or if it's visible or soon to be visible.
//  * Use RenderIterator when possible (e.g. when it's just an effect)
//  * Use bNetTemporary projectiles. 
class RevisionProjectileGenerator extends Effects;

var() float Frequency;               // what's the chance of spewing an actor every checkTime seconds
var() float EjectSpeed;              // how fast do the actors get ejected
var() class<Actor> ProjectileClass;  // class to project
var() float ProjectileLifeSpan;      // how long each projectile lives
var() bool bTriggered;               // start by triggering?
var() float SpewTime;                // how long do I spew after I am triggered?
var() bool bRandomEject;             // random eject velocity vector
var() float CheckTime;               // how often should I spit out particles?
var() Sound SpawnSound;              // sound to play when spawned
var() float SpawnSoundRadius;        // radius of sound
var() bool bAmbientSound;            // play the ambient sound?
var() int NumPerSpawn;               // number of particles to spawn per puff
var() Name AttachTag;                // attach us to this actor
var() bool bSpewUnseen;              // spew stuff when players can't see us
var() float WaitTime;                // amount of time between bursts
var() bool bOnlyOnce;				         // fire projectiles one time only
var() bool bInitiallyOn;			       // if triggered, start on instead of off

var bool bSpewing;					         // am I spewing? REV HAN: Rep needed?
var bool bFrozen;					           // are we out of the player's sight?
var float Period;
var float Time;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replication.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// Server to client
	reliable if ( Role==ROLE_Authority )
		Frequency, EjectSpeed, ProjectileClass, ProjectileLifeSpan, bTriggered, SpewTime,
		bRandomEject, CheckTime, SpawnSound, SpawnSoundRadius, bAmbientSound, NumPerSpawn,
		AttachTag, bSpewUnseen, WaitTime, bOnlyOnce, bInitiallyOn;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PostBeginPlay()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function PostBeginPlay() // Should probably be simulated.
	local Actor A;


	if ( bTriggered && !bInitiallyOn )
		bSpewing = False;

	// Attach us to the actor that was tagged
	if ( AttachTag != '' )
		foreach AllActors( class'Actor', A, AttachTag )
			if ( A!=None )

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Trigger()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function Trigger(Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator)
	Super.Trigger(Other, EventInstigator);

	// If we are spewing, turn us off.
	if ( bSpewing )
		bSpewing = False;
		Period   = 0;
		Time     = 0;

		if ( bAmbientSound && AmbientSound!=None )
			SoundVolume = 0;
	// Otherwise, turn us on.
	else if ( !bOnlyOnce )
		bSpewing = True;
		Period   = 0;
		Time     = 0;

		if ( bAmbientSound && AmbientSound!=None )
			SoundVolume = 255;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tick()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime )
	local int    i, j;
	local int    Count;
	local Actor  Spawnee;
	local float  Speed;
	local float  TimeVal;
	local Vector Dir;


	// If the owner that I'm attached to is dead, kill me. - REV_HAN: Sucks.
	if ( AttachTag!='' && Owner==None )

	// Update timers
	Time   += DeltaTime;
	Period += DeltaTime;

	// REV HAN: Both should be merged. (And i would really like to have a tenary operator).
	// If we're spewing and it's time to stop, stop.
	if ( bSpewing )
		if ( SpewTime>0 )
			if ( Period>=SpewTime )
				Period   = 0;
				Time     = 0;
				bSpewing = False;
			Period = 0;
	// If we're not spewing and it's time to start, start.
	else if ( !bOnlyOnce )
		if ( WaitTime>0 )
			if ( Period>=WaitTime )
				Period   = 0;
				Time     = 0;
				bSpewing = True;
			Period = 0;

	// CNN - remove optimizaions to fix strange behavior of PlayerCanSeeMe()
	// Should we freeze the spewage?
	if ( bSpewUnseen )
		bFrozen = False;
	else if (PlayerCanSeeMe())
		bFrozen = False;
		bFrozen = True;

	// Are we spewing? Is it not time to start spewing?
	if ( !bSpewing || bFrozen || Time<CheckTime )

	// How many projectiles must we spew?
	if (CheckTime > 0)
		Count = int(Time/CheckTime);
		Time -= Count*CheckTime;
		Count = 1;
		Time  = 0;
	TimeVal = time;

	// Sanity check
	if (Count > 5)
		Count = 5;

	// If frequency < 1, make spewage random
	if ( FRand()<=Frequency )
		// REV_HAN: This should probably be in projectiles startup code,
		//          although this seems to be problematic in network play.
		//          (see:
		if ( SpawnSound!=None ) 
			PlaySound( SpawnSound, SLOT_Misc,,, SpawnSoundRadius );

	// Spawn an appropriate number of projectiles
	for ( i=0; i<Count*NumPerSpawn; i++ )  // (Number of spews for this tick)*(Number of spawns per spew)
		// Wayyy down upon the Spawnee river...
		// REV_HAN: Basic problem for FireExinguishers:
		//  * Having player as base probably accounts for the magic rotation update.
		//    However, this seem to just updates the Rotation, and *NOT* the ViewRotation.
		//    Probably in previous versions of the game the PlayerPawn.Rotation.Pitch was changed
		//    (there were some lines hinting this, and player was Pitched for NM_ListenServer in convos too).
		Spawnee = Spawn( ProjectileClass, Owner );

		if (Spawnee != None)
			if ( bRandomEject )
				Dir = VRand();
			// REV_HAN: Account for ViewRotation on pawns.
			else if ( Base!= None && Base.bIsPawn )
				Dir = Vector(Pawn(Base).ViewRotation);
				Dir = Vector(Rotation);

			Speed = EjectSpeed;
			if ( bRandomEject )
				Speed *= FRand();

			Spawnee.SetRotation( Rotator(Dir) );
			Spawnee.Velocity     = Speed*Dir;
			Spawnee.Acceleration = Dir;
			Spawnee.SetLocation( Location + Spawnee.Velocity*TimeVal );

			if ( ProjectileLifeSpan>0 )
				Spawnee.LifeSpan = ProjectileLifeSpan;
	TimeVal += CheckTime*Count*NumPerSpawn;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I demand my DXE User ID back. Launcher for DeusEx, Rune, Nerf, Unreal & Botpack. HX on Mod DB. Revision on Steam.
Cybernetic pig
Posts: 2284
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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Hey, thanks. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also, what can you tell me about input types and key inputs in general? Seems mostly all handled natively, although there are instances of suitable hacky opportunities to add new functionality.
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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Hanfling »

Cybernetic pig wrote:Also, what can you tell me about input types and key inputs in general?
The whole input system plain sucks.

Mouse input is even worse.

Thats all.

In DeusEx even more then other legacy Unreal Engine 1 titles. In general UE1 on windows this is caused by shitty WinDrv package. For DeusEx things get even worse by even more shitty Window related input handling and probably shitty Ion changes to UnrealScript input handling. However, started slightly working on porting the ancient but reliable Linux SDLDrv to a plattform independent SDL2Drv. Primary motivation was that I don't need to work around WinDrv in KHG as it was quite different for 219 Builds (Like pretty much everything even compared to 224) which gets me always a black screen when not in GlideDrv fullscreen, the secondary motivation is to get the knowledge to start someday on a QtDrv, QtWindow and maybe even a QtEd, as UnrealEd is pretty much nothing more then a GUI with not much logic in there, which either uses the EditorEngines interface but for most stuff just passes text commands between EditorEngine and GUI. But this will be a very long way, but sadly nowaday an even more required way. However the SDL2Drv might turn out rather good regarding input and would probably be a real (intermediate) solution to the mouse input related problems and not just some hooking and hacking as seen in another laucher. However it'll lack most or all of the special outside windows. (e.g. Preferences Window or EditActor, etc.). But probaly it will at least have a Splash Screen and maybe a (limited) LogWindow. SDL is no Windowing toolkit, and trying to add Windows there is just wasted time better spent working on a QtDrv. But as this won't matter at all when your are just playing, and can still use the old WinDrv for developing (where the input problems are no big deal either).

For DeusEx specific plans is to replace Extension.InputExt with a RF class, as this just seems like some small input wrapper which should be easy to replace. Any further plans depend on having that done and getting some insight in messed up input shit.
I demand my DXE User ID back. Launcher for DeusEx, Rune, Nerf, Unreal & Botpack. HX on Mod DB. Revision on Steam.
Cybernetic pig
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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Hanfling wrote: In DeusEx even more then other legacy Unreal Engine 1 titles. In general UE1 on windows this is caused by shitty WinDrv package. For DeusEx things get even worse by even more shitty Window related input handling and probably shitty Ion changes to UnrealScript input handling. However, started slightly working on porting the ancient but reliable Linux SDLDrv to a plattform independent SDL2Drv. Primary motivation was that I don't need to work around WinDrv in KHG as it was quite different for 219 Builds (Like pretty much everything even compared to 224) which gets me always a black screen when not in GlideDrv fullscreen, the secondary motivation is to get the knowledge to start someday on a QtDrv, QtWindow and maybe even a QtEd, as UnrealEd is pretty much nothing more then a GUI with not much logic in there, which either uses the EditorEngines interface but for most stuff just passes text commands between EditorEngine and GUI. But this will be a very long way, but sadly nowaday an even more required way. However the SDL2Drv might turn out rather good regarding input and would probably be a real (intermediate) solution to the mouse input related problems and not just some hooking and hacking as seen in another laucher. However it'll lack most or all of the special outside windows. (e.g. Preferences Window or EditActor, etc.). But probaly it will at least have a Splash Screen and maybe a (limited) LogWindow. SDL is no Windowing toolkit, and trying to add Windows there is just wasted time better spent working on a QtDrv. But as this won't matter at all when your are just playing, and can still use the old WinDrv for developing (where the input problems are no big deal either).
For DeusEx specific plans is to replace Extension.InputExt with a RF class, as this just seems like some small input wrapper which should be easy to replace. Any further plans depend on having that done and getting some insight in messed up input shit.
Too much engineer-speak for me to comprehend everything here.

Anyway, the extinguisher works great, thank you very much.
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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Hanfling »

Cybernetic pig wrote:Anyway, the extinguisher works great, thank you very much.
Thanks for testing. :)
I demand my DXE User ID back. Launcher for DeusEx, Rune, Nerf, Unreal & Botpack. HX on Mod DB. Revision on Steam.
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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Hanfling »

Found some comments regarding input in headers:


Code: Select all

		UBOOL PreProcess(EInputKey iKey, EInputAction state, FLOAT delta=0.0) { return (TRUE); } // HACK HACK HACK!
		UBOOL Process(FOutputDevice &out, EInputKey iKey, EInputAction state, FLOAT delta=0.0);
		UBOOL Key(EInputKey iKey);  // MEGA-BOOGER!!

Code: Select all

		virtual UBOOL HandleKeyboard(TCHAR key);  // MEGA-BOOGER
I demand my DXE User ID back. Launcher for DeusEx, Rune, Nerf, Unreal & Botpack. HX on Mod DB. Revision on Steam.
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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by zirdukukko »

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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by jubalhenry »

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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by jubalhenry »

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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by Holly »

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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by zirdukukko »

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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by muzammilseo89540 »

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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by oggy12 »

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Re: FireExtinguisher Generator Pitch

Post by muzammilseo89540 »

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