Diagnosis process

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Diagnosis process

Post by CashiWaku »

I'm so confused about diagnoses at the moment. I don't know how helpful I think diagnoses are anyway - when the professionals starting assessing me for/talking about BPD it was both helpful and not. Helpful because it made me feel marginally less crazy for some of my behaviours, but not because what does any of this matter?

But I'm confused about whether I am diagnosed. I'm always dipping in and out of systems because of moving around anyway. Then they started talking about formally diagnosing in March and then COVID hit, so any thoughts about long-term help were cancelled.

My new GP called and she asked about whether I'd been formally diagnosed - I said that I wasn't but something had been thrown around, at which point she asked if it was a personality disorder, so I said yes... So there's clearly something on my record, but I don't know what. I know NICE guidelines say that for BPD you should be assessed for a psych for 6 months? I'd quite like to access my medical records at some point to see what they're saying about me. (I could access through work but could be fired so really holding back on that).

I know the NHS can be quite reluctant to diagnose, so I guess I'm asking - at what point are you diagnosed? And is it even useful/does it matter? It's just bothering me!
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Re: Diagnosis process

Post by AnemKisku »

"On the one hand it's so validating, because someone is saying, ""Yes, you've really been struggling, even if it's not depression and there are some real highs"". Because when I get those huge lows it's terrifying. But then I have a good day and I think everything's fine and I'm attention seeking or overdramatic. Or that I can go it alone and I'm amazing. Or that I've made it all up and I'm awful but no one should help me.

The GP doesn't want to refer to services regardless of diagnosis because the services are so rammed up, unless I'm still struggling in 2 weeks. So right now they're just tossing around a label without offering support. ::)

Plus I've read so much about BPD that basically says anyone with BPD is attention seeking and taking up space in services and manipulative etc etc etc etc.

I don't know if I'm making much sense. I'm just confused by it all and don't know what to think and it all feels pointless if they're not going to offer support."
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Re: Diagnosis process

Post by HeatherPrice »

It sounds like you're going through something pretty complicated and confusing. I can understand why it would be so confusing and overwhelming to figure out the diagnosis process. It's understandable that you would want to access your medical records and see what exactly is said about you. It's really difficult to know what the professionals are thinking and saying about you, but it's critical to be informed. Perhaps you need to undergo additional research with a suitable specialist, and then you’ll know the exact information about your health status. Check out https://gpratings.uk and look through the reviews and ratings of doctors to get the best medical advice and a complete examination. However, I do think it is crucial to understand that the diagnosis isn't the end-all-be-all. I hope that things start to become more clear for you soon. Best of luck.
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Re: Diagnosis process

Post by tot3ntanZz »

Hey guys! Recently I have been diagnosed with cancer. What should I do?
Posts: 10
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Re: Diagnosis process


Finding out that you or someone you love has cancer can be devastating. This disease is highly dangerous and can lead to death if left untreated, but thanks to advancements in medicine, there are now products like fenbendazole, learn more about it on fenben lab shop, that can treat 7 different types of cancer. I urge you to take a look at this fenbendazole informational blog and consult with your doctor regarding this treatment option. I hope my answer can be of help.
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